Teenagers Having Kids

TheLegendOfBerti said:
mcfcliam said:
I meant it was wrong when he said it symbolises the problems in this country because it doesn't.

If you think an 18 year old with a pushchair is acceptable and not a symbol of the shit state our country is in, then fine, no wonder we are in this position.

That is the problem in one. A lot of people do not see a problem with a child having a baby. That is why we are in the mess we are because of these idiots. It is wrong for a child to have a baby. They do not know how to raise a child, nor can they support it. It is wrong wrong just wrong. It sums up everything that is wrong with the UK at the moment. Peoples attitudes are all wrong. Quite fucking deppressing when you think about it.
Stupid post.

My partner was 18 when we had our first child (I was 21), we have both been through college and both have good jobs. We have never claimed from the state. Six years on and we live in a nice house with two wonderful children.

The problem isn't the age it's the level of intelligence and a lack of ambition. To some teenage parents getting a free flat and handouts is making it. For my partner and myself it was working as hard as possible to provide the best life possible for our children.
itsnevereasy said:
Stupid post.

My partner was 18 when we had our first child (I was 21), we have both been through college and both have good jobs. We have never claimed from the state. Six years on and we live in a nice house with two wonderful children.

The problem isn't the age it's the level of intelligence and a lack of ambition. To some teenage parents getting a free flat and handouts is making it. For my partner and myself it was working as hard as possible to provide the best life possible for our children.
Great post mate!
itsnevereasy said:
Stupid post.

My partner was 18 when we had our first child (I was 21), we have both been through college and both have good jobs. We have never claimed from the state. Six years on and we live in a nice house with two wonderful children.

The problem isn't the age it's the level of intelligence and a lack of ambition. To some teenage parents getting a free flat and handouts is making it. For my partner and myself it was working as hard as possible to provide the best life possible for our children.

You are a minority though, 99% of 16 year olds are not ready for children, they probably dont want them either, but when its as easy as opening your legs, getting shagged then 9 months later a little sprog pops out with a big fat check from the people who actually work hard before having kids, its just wrong.
itsnevereasy said:
Stupid post.

My partner was 18 when we had our first child (I was 21), we have both been through college and both have good jobs. We have never claimed from the state. Six years on and we live in a nice house with two wonderful children.

The problem isn't the age it's the level of intelligence and a lack of ambition. To some teenage parents getting a free flat and handouts is making it. For my partner and myself it was working as hard as possible to provide the best life possible for our children.

You're the exception mate.
A few years ago Mrs PP was on the bus going to work and overheard a conversation between two 20ish birds. One of 'em said that she'd have to get on a college course or get pregnant again as they were gonna start making her look for work as her youngest kid was starting school.
What really needs to stop is the idea that having baby after baby on benefits is OK.

This can be addressed quite easily. Certain States in the US did this years ago, and it was successful. Just stop the increase of public funds for each newborn child, particularly amongst the "lone" parents.
I was 19 and my misses was 20 when my lad was born, never been out of work since i was 17, never lived in a council house ( although there is nothing wrong with living in in a council house) and we're still a happy family 13 years on. It wasn't planned but wouldn't change it for the world. i feel proud to have brought another blue into the world
Agreed, it is wrong.

I'm 18, and the thought of having a child just so I can get a few quid off benefits makes me feel sick. These kids need some ambition, and some hope of achieving something with their lives to stop them having kids.

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