Tell me to get/not get a Mac

Skashion said:
Gelsons Dad said:
phishing malware is not a virus mate and you know it.
No, it isn't but do you think the average user really cares about semantics and the technicalities of what malware is designed to do, or do they care whether they have malware, of any kind, on their system? Handing over your card details on false pretences can still really fuck up your day even though it's not a virus. I thought you Mac advocates were all about the average user. Stop being a fanboy for every minute of your life for a change.

Relax mate. I'm just making it clear that you cannot get a virus on a mac. The user has to click to put anything on. You can be the most tech savvy pc user and still get infected because of the reliance on recognising the virus before it self executes. This is not the case with OSX.

I'm a fanboy because I've been using home computers since 1982 and the current Mac hardware and OS is the best I've ever used.
Gelsons Dad said:
Relax mate. I'm just making it clear that you cannot get a virus on a mac. The user has to click to put anything on. You can be the most tech savvy pc user and still get infected because of the reliance on recognising the virus before it self executes. This is not the case with OSX.

I'm a fanboy because I've been using home computers since 1982 and the current Mac hardware and OS is the best I've ever used.
No system is ever truly immune to anything. On something as huge as a desktop OS, there will always be ways to execute code without the user doing anything. Just look at Pwn2Own over the past couple of years. Fully patched Macs have been hacked just from someone clicking on a link. Ok, you'll never be able to have your Mac hacked if you never do anything with it. This is true enough.

The statements so far on here from you are the type that breed complacency. That's an unacceptable level of fanboy behaviour because it can cause damage. Some idiots know no better, you should.
Skashion said:
Gelsons Dad said:
Relax mate. I'm just making it clear that you cannot get a virus on a mac. The user has to click to put anything on. You can be the most tech savvy pc user and still get infected because of the reliance on recognising the virus before it self executes. This is not the case with OSX.

I'm a fanboy because I've been using home computers since 1982 and the current Mac hardware and OS is the best I've ever used.
No system is ever truly immune to anything. On something as huge as a desktop OS, there will always be ways to execute code without the user doing anything. Just look at Pwn2Own over the past couple of years. Fully patched Macs have been hacked just from someone clicking on a link. Ok, you'll never be able to have your Mac hacked if you never do anything with it. This is true enough.

The statements so far on here from you are the type that breed complacency. That's an unacceptable level of fanboy behaviour because it can cause damage. Some idiots know no better, you should.

This is much more serious than Mac v Windows now... It's looking like you might have to consider a purse instead.
I loved my Mac.............................. till the hard-drive broke then again and again and again and again till I wrote an Email to Apple demanding they took their hardware staff to the stock room and shoot them in their head since then the only thing I've had made by apple is the i-Touch.
By the sounds of it buying a similar spec and size laptop for £200 less would work out as false economy in the end. Would need replacing before a mac and may need repair costs? I'm not techie but I've got a reasonable idea of how to avoid viruses and haven't had any major problems with them in the past.

It's very important that whatever I get needs to work at a good level for a while. If it starts freezing or slowing up (as my current laptop does) then music recording becomes very difficult and ultimately impossible to do well.

I'm definitelty swaying towards a mac as it stands.
Gelsons Dad said:
Skashion said:
That being the case I still recommend you install MacGuard.
phishing malware is not a virus mate and you know it.
It may not be a virus, but it exploits a major security weakness in OSX that allows software to be installed to the system without explicitly granting root permissions first. Apple took the highly secure *nix base, broke it's security model completely and charged people a fortune for it.<br /><br />-- Sun May 29, 2011 11:36 pm --<br /><br />
bluemoon05 said:
I'm definitelty swaying towards a mac as it stands.
Get a laptop with Ubuntu and Ardour installed from the software centre. It'll work out cheaper, Ardour has all the functionality of Pro Tools but for free and your system won't slow down or be insecure like Macs and Windows systems are.
bluemoon05 said:
By the sounds of it buying a similar spec and size laptop for £200 less would work out as false economy in the end. Would need replacing before a mac and may need repair costs? I'm not techie but I've got a reasonable idea of how to avoid viruses and haven't had any major problems with them in the past.

It's very important that whatever I get needs to work at a good level for a while. If it starts freezing or slowing up (as my current laptop does) then music recording becomes very difficult and ultimately impossible to do well.

I'm definitelty swaying towards a mac as it stands.
More like £350. Macs are not more reliable hardware-wise and the components (processor, graphics, RAM, hard-drive) are the same as any other PC and even the stuff (like the motherboard) which isn't is outsourced to the same manufacturers. The OS however is more reliable though as OS X does not slow and get clogged up at the same rate as Windows does, and you'll undoubtedly spend less of your time on maintenance. The same goes for GNU/Linux. As I said before, it comes down to whether you can be arsed with software maintenance, and also whether you want to use OS X only software. That's assuming you don't know how to go about making yourself a nice little hackintosh and which I wouldn't advise to people unless they're sure they know what they're doing.

I doubt you'd regret choosing a Mac, as I don't think the vast majority of people would, but there are certain cons and Miss Information that Apple puts out there that people should be aware of. I think the Apple of Steve Jobs is a pretty disgusting company. For instance, Apple love to advertise how you can run Windows on your Mac. Best of both worlds. How wonderful Macs are for magically allowing you do this. Can't do it (legally) on any other machine. The reason why is that Steve Jobs won't return the favour though as per the terms of OS X's licensing agreement. That sort of contempt runs through the company in my opinion. Steve Jobs has a very little respect for his customers. When you buy Apple, you are renting Steve's vision and he retains all right to modify his vision via software as he sees fit and you better not complain about it if he does you pleb.
I'm gonna do some research into laptops and see the sort of price range I'm looking at. I don't know an awful lot about computers, what sort of specs should I be looking at that will be good and fast for a while.

Also is anyone aware of other laptop brands that have student discount like apple do?

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