Tevez: 'I'm tired of football' (new quotes)

LoveCity said:
"I don't want to suffer any more, I just want to be calm, I want some peace. But at the moment, football feels like a job for me."

Er, because it is? Tevez is a professional footballer. The clue is in the word professional.

OK, so you don't like work. Welcome to the bloody club.
Rammy Blue said:
Damocles said:
Well, put it this way. You come on here every day, you come here and talk about City, you watch all of our games then spend the next week contemplating whether player X would have done better than player Y. You spend a good proportion of your free time talking about City, about the ups and the downs.

You'll do for me mate, in my eyes, you're as blue as any other.

You know City fans, perhaps instead of slagging off new fans and creating divisions within our own fanbase, we can actually teach them about the history, culture and ethos of Manchester City the club.

Unlike those other fuckers, we're a family. Mancio is just a new member of the family. You wouldn't walk up to your kids and shout at them for being "glory hunters" who weren't there when you were poor and living in a bedsit, somehow blaming them for coming into the family when your life was rosy. Instead, you would pass on the lessons you have learnt from the hard times and teach them to appreciate the good times.

Maybe we should do this instead of sniping at each other?

What the fcuk you on about?

I get on fine with Mancio, was just pointing out that his comment about selling Tevez was out of order and wrong.

Or do you agree with him?

mate , perhaps Damocles is saying you can argue my point about tevez without argue about since when or how much blue i'm ? ;)

my point is ; tevez is a club's asset that in a time of financial fair play the club should not risk to lose at zero.
didactic said:
K.Reeves right foot said:
Sorry Carlos, love you to bits but you'd love to go back to poverty and crime? Ok domate all your wages into MY bank account and i'll give your luxury lifestyle a try. Sure his children would love to be poor aswell.
You are suffering? Playing for man City, earning 100 plus grand a week? mmmm, poor soul....shall we have a collection to buy a present for him to cheer him up? Must be awful being famous, rich, talented, without financial worries etc..
Shut yer mouth Carlos and go get us a hatrick on sat [still think your King though!]
Thing is guys, if Ade said these things or - imagine - Robinho - we'd slate them...food for thought.

-- Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:57 pm --

The financial aspects of the game mean him and his children will never want for anything for the rest of their lives.

Why are you speaking on his behalf? He has said how he feels yet you feel you have the right to correct his words? That is a very arrogant stance to take, people forget this whole thing is an illusion. You think all they do is go to training, play a few games and viola they are millionaires. There is a great deal of stress, training, frustration not to mention the politics behind the scenes in the game. Tevez is not the first great to say this, Ronaldo said this, Ronaldinho has said this, Adriano said this, Messi has said this, Henry has said this so to me there must be some truth to this.
I feel they are tired of the fish bowl life of always being watched and judged and talked about and thats what he means he wants his old life back. There is a video online where they were filming the flavelas in Brazil and they caught a shirtless, shoeless man walking around and it turned out to be Adriano just hanging with old friends in the streets like he used to. This is a multimillionaire athlete who walked away from £110000 a week at Inter because he was unhappy. Its like the music business when the money men come in and take the art from the talented and turn it into a business for money purposes only the passion disappears. I respect Carlos for saying what many wont say. Look at the examples A.J., Steven Ireland, Hart these guys act like they already won the WC and they aint even won a League cup. So fair play to the man and dont judge others based on your ambition as well as not understanding someones situation. From outside it looks fantastic but everyone and I mean EVERYONE has a their own cross to carry. Not to mention the pressure we pile on these guys week in week out as they hold our happiness in their boots.
What a load of bollocks.
bobmcfc said:
its like he has an evil twin somewhere giving out interviews. this is not the tevez we see week in week out.

This is brilliant bobmcfc!!! :D You said it PERFECTLY! Totally agree with you!
Tevez is 26, if he "retires" from football i.e european football he'll be 30 and have seen out his contract with us and end up at Boca. Everyones happy.
I don't have a problem with the quotes really, he does make a few good points. Just shows he's as honest off the pitch as he is on it.
I don't care about his rant, I am just wondering he is he talking about?

Is it AJ? I don't think so.

I think its JO because surely Jo was pissed off when Tevez didn't square that ball.

I can't see it being Aj or Milner.
ArabFan12 said:
I don't care about his rant, I am just wondering he is he talking about?

Is it AJ? I don't think so.

I think its JO because surely Jo was pissed off when Tevez didn't square that ball.

I can't see it being Aj or Milner.

I could see it being Jo if it's about the "why did you do that"...I think it might be a poor translation though, if Tevez feels like punching his own teammates that's not very captain-like...
"I don't want to suffer any more, I just want to be calm, I want some peace. But at the moment, football feels like a job for me."

Eh the poor lad. It is your fuckin job. Get over it, you clearly have no idea how lucky you are. At least you have a bloody job. And you can enjoy it or suffer through it like the rest of us on minimum wage. Job? Work? Words that aren't in a professionall footballers dictionary it seems.

Tevez, don't get me wrong, he has pulled us along this season, by himself a lot of the time, and has done brilliantly, but these kind of comments he makes, does he have any idea what's going on in the real world?

50,000 took to the street in pure anger in Dublin today in the snow. With one clear message.

I wonder are some of these footballers so high up in the clouds that they've lost total grip on reality.

You don't want to suffer anymore Tevez? Ya..either do we.

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