Texas court halts sale of Dippers

southern muppet said:
cleavers said:
Keep hoping.

It won't happen though, in general prices will continue upwards I'm afraid.

It's been mentioned a few times though that they might take that strategy at least in the beginning, no smoke without fire.

And if there are plans for 60,000-78,000 - there's no way that would be filled at the current prices never mind more dear. Not week in week out. Maybe they'll do some projections and realise as odd as it sounds, cheaper tickets is the way to more matchday revenue, in the first instance.


Say 50,000 paying £50 a ticket = 2.5 million revenue
or 70,000 paying £35 a ticket = 2.45 million revenue

add in an extra 20,000 people buying food + drink etc

Makes sense to me.
ssg2 said:
Everyone has been fucked on prices not just united and liverpool, arsenal want £1500 for a season ticket...the only clubs who still offer affordable tickets are the ones who get shit crowds, for me thats not acceptable. What families can now go and watch football...rich ones or ones who support crap teams, once the success comes the men at the top bleed you dry.

I know and we've been telling you (by which I mean rags in generally) this for years but all you could do was singing songs about empty seats. The only reason City have for putting the ticket prices up is a rule thats designed to preserve the status quo which United are apart of, how riduculous is that!
bluemonkey71 said:
southern muppet said:
It's been mentioned a few times though that they might take that strategy at least in the beginning, no smoke without fire.

And if there are plans for 60,000-78,000 - there's no way that would be filled at the current prices never mind more dear. Not week in week out. Maybe they'll do some projections and realise as odd as it sounds, cheaper tickets is the way to more matchday revenue, in the first instance.


Say 50,000 paying £50 a ticket = 2.5 million revenue
or 70,000 paying £35 a ticket = 2.45 million revenue

add in an extra 20,000 people buying food + drink etc

Makes sense to me.

Not sure it makes much sense to me i'm afraid. How much do you reckon a stadium enlargement would cost? £60-70M. Plus the lost revenue/reduced capacity whilst the works are ongoing. All this to take £50k less on a matchday.
70,000 paying £45 a ticket = 3.15M. That makes sense.
ssg2 said:
wearethesouthstand said:
remember they have brought all this on themselves...

john moores didnt deal with steve morgan , the liverpool fan who bought wolves - he sold to the yanks

just like united fans and fergie are to blame for their situation - fighting the coolmore lot over rock of gibraltar and invading the racecourse

the grass is always greener

then david conn from the guardian on talksport today saying foreign owners are bad for football... actually dave you are wrong mate, ours are brill

How are any fans to blame? ridiculous statement. Its the people at the top who claim to be football fans who are to blame.
I hate liverpool with a passion but so see this happening is a disgrace, our league is being ripped apart by foreign investors whose sole purpose is to make money, they don't care about the fans and certainly not the local fans.

The coolmore lot would have sold regardless of what happened with fergie or the fans, they stood to make a hefty sum and did exactly that.
Your owner is the exceptional to the rule and you are seeing the benefits of that now, I still believe he will want some investment back in the coming years regardless of his wealth....expect to see your local wythenshawe lads (an example) who could easily afford a season ticket to be replaced by the local chinese population when season tickets go through the roof.

The coolmore lot that you refer to sold because your beloved Fergie tried to screw them over on the stud rights of Rock of Gibralter.

Dont blame them, blame your arsehole of a manager.
jimbo101 said:
Not sure it makes much sense to me i'm afraid. How much do you reckon a stadium enlargement would cost? £60-70M. Plus the lost revenue/reduced capacity whilst the works are ongoing. All this to take £50k less on a matchday.
70,000 paying £45 a ticket = 3.15M. That makes sense.

I suppose a good argument could be made that with that many more fans in the ground cheaper ticket prices might encourage greater spending in the stadium.
I'm fairly confident raising the prices of ordinary fan's season tickets is not on the agenda. I'd expect any rises to be close to inflation. They wouldn't do £95 for kids, 18-21 prices, and value seasoncards for £250 if big price rises were on the agenda. I did the maths after the accounts were published and on last year's figures, season ticket sales rose 13.8% but revenue only went up by 10.3%. For a start, it would make little difference to revenue in the grand scheme of things. Right now, the money generated from season ticket sales is £9.6m. So, say we doubled prices across the board. That would take prices in the East and CB stands to £1,000 or more for an adult, on a par with the most expensive of the London clubs, and yet we'd only net £9.6m from that assuming the club could find the people to pay it. More money to be generated elsewhere and far less painfully than that. Our owners have shown they give a shit about us. Comparing us to the rags being anally raped is beyond ridiculous.
The Fixer said:
Why are the liverpool board and RBS refusing to listen/sit down to peter lim's offer for the club?

Something stinks to me........

Perhaps they knew it was utter bullshit
dannybcity said:
jimbo101 said:
Not sure it makes much sense to me i'm afraid. How much do you reckon a stadium enlargement would cost? £60-70M. Plus the lost revenue/reduced capacity whilst the works are ongoing. All this to take £50k less on a matchday.
70,000 paying £45 a ticket = 3.15M. That makes sense.

I suppose a good argument could be made that with that many more fans in the ground cheaper ticket prices might encourage greater spending in the stadium.

I think the talk of ticket rises is a bit superfluous. The real big increase in income will come from corporate sponsorship, off pitch tie ins & of course Champions league money.

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