Thanks, you guys are a bunch of heroes.

Ducado said:
Roberto Mancini said:
i dont wanna get banned.

It's a good job you only annoyed Damocles then (he is all heart)

To be fair, I got 4 PMs about it, and 3 different threads were basically telling him to stop posting it in EVERY SINGLE POST HE MAKES.

He's another channer, who seems to think that nobody else is in on the joke, and LOLcats are funny, hence why he posts things like "I has that", instead of "I have that".

He's part of the new internet breed, which makes the old BBS/Usenet guys like me weep. The internet used to be about sharing information, programs and opinions. Like minded people who have an interest (any interest), discussing and debating it with people from all over the world. Thanks to about 5 sites on the net, a new generation has emerged who think the point of the internet is to troll people, to envoke a reaction by posting drivel. That memes are the funniest thing to ever come out of the world, and that they're super-cool for using them, when in fact, posting things like the ORly Owl, and lolwut basically says "I'm too stupid to actually think of something witty, humorous or relevant to say, so here's a completely non-contextual collection of words that may be funny to some, but are more likely ignored by anyone with any sort of intelligence".

The memes that all of these people use are another type of catchphrase humour. As shows like The Fast Show show, it isn't the using of a catchphrase that's funny, it's the timing of it. Roberto Mancini is the internet equivalent of that twat everybody used to know who used to run around shouting the latest catchphrase from some crap TV show, over and over, and over again.

So, it's a slight annoyance for me in the scheme of things. It's not memes that I object to, just that people don't seem to understand that it's only funny when they are used correctly, other times you just look thick.

Yes, I'm aware I've set myself up for a severe lolwut-ing, which to be fair, would be funny and probably the right time to use it.
Damocles said:
Ducado said:
It's a good job you only annoyed Damocles then (he is all heart)

To be fair, I got 4 PMs about it, and 3 different threads were basically telling him to stop posting it in EVERY SINGLE POST HE MAKES.

He's another channer, who seems to think that nobody else is in on the joke, and LOLcats are funny, hence why he posts things like "I has that", instead of "I have that".

He's part of the new internet breed, which makes the old BBS/Usenet guys like me weep. The internet used to be about sharing information, programs and opinions. Like minded people who have an interest (any interest), discussing and debating it with people from all over the world. Thanks to about 5 sites on the net, a new generation has emerged who think the point of the internet is to troll people, to envoke a reaction by posting drivel. That memes are the funniest thing to ever come out of the world, and that they're super-cool for using them, when in fact, posting things like the ORly Owl, and lolwut basically says "I'm too stupid to actually think of something witty, humorous or relevant to say, so here's a completely non-contextual collection of words that may be funny to some, but are more likely ignored by anyone with any sort of intelligence".

The memes that all of these people use are another type of catchphrase humour. As shows like The Fast Show show, it isn't the using of a catchphrase that's funny, it's the timing of it. Roberto Mancini is the internet equivalent of that twat everybody used to know who used to run around shouting the latest catchphrase from some crap TV show, over and over, and over again.

So, it's a slight annoyance for me in the scheme of things. It's not memes that I object to, just that people don't seem to understand that it's only funny when they are used correctly, other times you just look thick.

Yes, I'm aware I've set myself up for a severe lolwut-ing, which to be fair, would be funny and probably the right time to use it.

bro you trollin'
Roberto Mancini said:
Damocles said:
To be fair, I got 4 PMs about it, and 3 different threads were basically telling him to stop posting it in EVERY SINGLE POST HE MAKES.

He's another channer, who seems to think that nobody else is in on the joke, and LOLcats are funny, hence why he posts things like "I has that", instead of "I have that".

He's part of the new internet breed, which makes the old BBS/Usenet guys like me weep. The internet used to be about sharing information, programs and opinions. Like minded people who have an interest (any interest), discussing and debating it with people from all over the world. Thanks to about 5 sites on the net, a new generation has emerged who think the point of the internet is to troll people, to envoke a reaction by posting drivel. That memes are the funniest thing to ever come out of the world, and that they're super-cool for using them, when in fact, posting things like the ORly Owl, and lolwut basically says "I'm too stupid to actually think of something witty, humorous or relevant to say, so here's a completely non-contextual collection of words that may be funny to some, but are more likely ignored by anyone with any sort of intelligence".

The memes that all of these people use are another type of catchphrase humour. As shows like The Fast Show show, it isn't the using of a catchphrase that's funny, it's the timing of it. Roberto Mancini is the internet equivalent of that twat everybody used to know who used to run around shouting the latest catchphrase from some crap TV show, over and over, and over again.

So, it's a slight annoyance for me in the scheme of things. It's not memes that I object to, just that people don't seem to understand that it's only funny when they are used correctly, other times you just look thick.

Yes, I'm aware I've set myself up for a severe lolwut-ing, which to be fair, would be funny and probably the right time to use it.

bro you trollin'


Roberto Mancini said:
Damocles said:
Thanks for proving my point so eloquently.

i only done it "4tehlulz"

Ban this clown now please, he is a wum with no intention of taking this site or it's members seriously.
blueinsa said:
Roberto Mancini said:
i only done it "4tehlulz"

Ban this clown now please, he is a wum with no intention of taking this site or it's members seriously.

I like him. He's like chunk out the goonies. The fat kid everyone loves to hate, and doesn't realise when he is digging a hole. Can we keep him? He might even be able to do the truffle shuffle.


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