Thatcher dead

M11 3FF said:
Your right, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of entered a thread that I'm not going to properly engage in and make stupid one line quips.

I've learnt my lesson, maybe others should too? ;-)

"have" not "of"

Are you stupid or something?
M11 3FF said:
mammutly said:
M11 3FF said:
Your right, I'm sorry, I shouldn't of entered a thread that I'm not going to properly engage in and make stupid one line quips.

I've learnt my lesson, maybe others should too? ;-)

"have" not "of"

Are you stupid or something?

Clearly I am, I bow to your intelligence and sincerely apologise oh wise one!

Thanks. It's just basic stuff really.
Should be a capital O in oh btw.
buzzer1 said:
For the youngsters that didn't live through the darktimes...
Get yourselves a box set of the following.......

Good call buzzer. But it was actually written in 1978 as a critique of the then Callaghan government. The hapless, bankrupt one that people were so glad to see the back of that they coldn't wait to vote Thatcher in.

But why let the truth get in the way of a good myth.
Operation True Blue

I fucking hope that this travesty is fucking disrupted as its a disgrace that in a time of austerity the state pays for a funeral for a person who fucked the state over big time.

If her family had any thoughts for the nation they would have said no, instead the Queen is attending.

Fucking disgusting
Rascal said:
1. She supported the retention of capital punishment
2. She destroyed the country's manufacturing industry
3. She voted against the relaxation of divorce laws
4. She abolished free milk for schoolchildren ("Margaret Thatcher, Milk Snatcher")
5. She supported more freedom for business (and look how that turned out)
6. She gained support from the National Front in the 1979 election by pandering to the fears of immigration
7. She gerrymandered local authorities by forcing through council house sales, at the same time preventing councils from spending the money they got for selling houses on building new houses (spending on social housing dropped by 67% in her premiership)
8. She was responsible for 3.6 million unemployed - the highest figure and the highest proportion of the workforce in history and three times the previous government. Massaging of the figures means that the figure was closer to 5 million
9. She ignored intelligence about Argentinian preparations for the invasion of the Falkland Islands and scrapped the only Royal Navy presence in the islands
10. The poll tax
11. She presided over the closure of 150 coal mines; we are now crippled by the cost of energy, having to import expensive coal from abroad
12. She compared her "fight" against the miners to the Falklands War
13. She privatised state monopolies and created the corporate greed culture that we've been railing against for the last 5 years
14. She introduced the gradual privatisation of the NHS
15. She introduced financial deregulation in a way that turned city institutions into avaricious money pits
16. She pioneered the unfailing adoration and unquestioning support of the USA
17. She allowed the US to place nuclear missiles on UK soil, under US control
18. Section 28
19. She opposed anti-apartheid sanctions against South Africa and described Nelson Mandela as "that grubby little terrorist"
20. She support the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia and sent the SAS to train their soldiers
21. She allowed the US to bomb Libya in 1986, against the wishes of more than 2/3 of the population
22. She opposed the reunification of Germany
23. She invented Quangos
24. She increased VAT from 8% to 17.5%
25. She had the lowest approval rating of any post-war Prime Minister
26. Her post-PM job? Consultant to Philip Morris tobacco at $250,000 a year, plus $50,000 per speech
27. The Al Yamamah contract
28. She opposed the indictment of Chile's General Pinochet
29. Social unrest under her leadership was higher than at any time since the General Strike
30. She presided over interest rates increasing to 15%
31. BSE
32. She presided over 2 million manufacturing job losses in the 79-81 recession
33. She opposed the inclusion of Eire in the Northern Ireland peace process
34. She supported sanctions-busting arms deals with South Africa
35. Cecil Parkinson, Alan Clark, David Mellor, Jeffrey Archer, Jonathan Aitkin
36. Crime rates doubled under Thatcher
37. Black Wednesday – Britain withdraws from the ERM and the pound is devalued. Cost to Britain - £3.5 billion; profit for George Soros - £1 billion
38. Poverty doubled while she opposed a minimum wage
39. She privatised public services, claiming at the time it would increase public ownership. Most are now owned either by foreign governments (EDF) or major investment houses. The profits don’t now accrue to the taxpayer, but to foreign or institutional shareholders.
40. She cut 75% of funding to museums, galleries and other sources of education
41. In the Thatcher years the top 10% of earners received almost 50% of the tax remissions
42. 21.9% inflation

The Miners
The Shipbuilders
The Steelworkers
The Old that Froze to Death
The Old that Couldn't Afford Food
For the Thousands Made Homeless

The North
The Disenfranchised Black Youth
The Lost Generation of Young
The Hillsborough families
The men dead in a conflict designed to win her an election
The men traumatised from the Falklands War
For Northern Ireland

my mam and dad
my Grandparents
my brother
every LGBT kid who committed suicide due to Section 28 in schools
The teachers
The victims of gaybashing which were never investigated due to pressure from her government
For the gay men stitched up and banged up for being gay

The women of Greenham Common who were beaten and had their kids forcibly taken into care for no reason
For the men and women assaulted in the Battle of the Beanfield
For the men and women consigned to the scrapheap
For the services that used to belong to all of us and now are badly run in the hands of the rich
For the country that used to stand for social justice and created the National Health Service
The mentally ill thrown out on the streets
The children abused in care homes and ignored or worse abused by some in her government

I will not celebrate the death of a woman who caused so much pain but i will protest loudly against her being given such a funeral paid for by the society she so despised.
So apart from that then
Prestwich_Blue said:
buzzer1 said:
For the youngsters that didn't live through the darktimes...
Get yourselves a box set of the following.......

Good call buzzer. But it was actually written in 1978 as a critique of the then Callaghan government. The hapless, bankrupt one that people were so glad to see the back of that they coldn't wait to vote Thatcher in.

But why let the truth get in the way of a good myth.

Tbh mate i just remember the dark 70s/early 80s, i associate the TBFTBS with those times, to young to know who or what was running the country but just know it was dark times least alone with my aggressive twat of a dad.. i remember the power cuts, bin strikes, glue sniffers,just bleak as fuk and watching TBFTBS again just brought it all back, fukin horrendous times but you know what...... what a fukin shambles of a society we now have.
Rascal said:
Operation True Blue

I fucking hope that this travesty is fucking disrupted as its a disgrace that in a time of austerity the state pays for a funeral for a person who fucked the state over big time.

If her family had any thoughts for the nation they would have said no, instead the Queen is attending.

Fucking disgusting
I imagine the state will be enjoying a significant ongoing saving with the need to provide round the clock security to her no longer on the agenda.

Look at this funeral as a parting gift for her helping reduce the deficit ;-)
Prestwich_Blue said:
buzzer1 said:
For the youngsters that didn't live through the darktimes...
Get yourselves a box set of the following.......

Good call buzzer. But it was actually written in 1978 as a critique of the then Callaghan government. The hapless, bankrupt one that people were so glad to see the back of that they coldn't wait to vote Thatcher in.

But why let the truth get in the way of a good myth.

yes but Thatcher then wrote the North off, especially Liverpool.

Myth ? Nope
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Rascal said:
Operation True Blue

I fucking hope that this travesty is fucking disrupted as its a disgrace that in a time of austerity the state pays for a funeral for a person who fucked the state over big time.

If her family had any thoughts for the nation they would have said no, instead the Queen is attending.

Fucking disgusting
I imagine the state will be enjoying a significant ongoing saving with the need to provide round the clock security to her no longer on the agenda.

Look at this funeral as a parting gift for her helping reduce the deficit ;-)

Why didnt you answer my reply on page 97 ish BTW?
M11 3FF said:
mammutly said:
M11 3FF said:
Clearly I am, I bow to your intelligence and sincerely apologise oh wise one!

Thanks. It's just basic stuff really.
Should be a capital O in oh btw.

Thank you spell checker, I've got my eye on you, don't let your standards slip will you? ;-)

My standards have fallen well below previous levels of late. With regard to this thread, for example, I simply cannot be arsed arguing matters of record with people who are politically driven to defend the idefensible, often way past the point of redundancy.

The problem with political motivation is that it's never clean and usually downright dishonest - in any common sense sort of way. People have agendas and I have no patience anymore with agendas. I much prefer to deal with reality.

Thatcher, the grocer's daughter with an adopted cut glass accent who manipulated the media to make a virtue of state sponsored murder. The woman so driven and certain in her own intention that she became self defining in her moral code. A psychopath in any other walk of life. Oh, but the power. It's the power what attracts the agendas.

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