Thatcher dead

guvnors son mcfc said:
Great post Rascal,

I left school in 85, no jobs, no way of learning a trade. I spent 12 months on a YTS course and was shipped out to a "small building firm" the type of small firm that Thatchers government encouraged on a YTS scheme created by Thatchers government. I was taught nothing and spent twelve months digging this builders foundations by hand on house extensions that he made a fortune building. I earnt £27.30 each week and the builder never gave me a penny. I was his slave for twelve months and he promised me a job at the end of my scheme and so I worked hard for him and never took a single day off, even working weekends unpaid to try and impress. At the end of my scheme he sent me back to my training centre and got a fresh new slave for twelve months.

This happened to thousands of young men like me and for that alone I will never forgive Thatcher. She did not give a shit for the youth and the YTS kept her jobless figures down to 3 million, when it should of been 5 million plus.

On the back of that thousands of fat bastard owning small businessmen made fortunes on the back of high margins at the time and free labour. These twats will still be in fantastic financial positions due to Thatchers free young labour scheme so no wonder she will have some support. Those same twats taking advantage of this free labour will have bought and paid for their houses with the fat cash they made and will live a very good life today.

It was unfair on the youth and I for one will never forget being an honest hard working slave for twelve months who was totally duped into thinking that if I worked hard I would be rewarded.

I will also never forget the fat bastard builder who had me digging footings, mixing concrete, carrying his bricks and even had me painting his bastard fence for two weeks when he had no other for me. He would have had Free Labour for at least ten years ( in today's terms saving him around £300k ) whilst telling me on a weekly basis, "well done lad, I'll take you on at the end of your scheme"

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead the fucking woman !!!!!!

Good post, I left school two years before you and the situation was exactly the same. My older brothers left a few years before me, they had a choice of which industry to walk into, for a full apprenticeship with major employers, they chose construction and engineering.

At school, we studied Geometric Engineering Drawing - an ideal grounding to be fed in engineering apprenticeships in companies around Trafford Park, but by the time we left school - all apprenticeships were stolen away from us and replaced by 12 month slave labour schemes they introduced as they decimated manufacturing in the UK.

Ever wondered why all the best craftsmen, specialists, builders, engineers are in their 50s?

She was a total c*nt.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Kun Aguero said:
I see Reading want a minutes silence at home to Liverpool. Lol.
If that happens I reckon we'll get to see he North/South divide in action.
Is John Madejski so naive to think the Liverpool fans want to 'pay their respects' in any way other than booing right the way through it? The woman who they think destroyed their city. The woman who was complicit in the police's Hillsborough cover-up.

Whelan is similarly mental. He wants a silence at Wigan vs Millwall. A mining town vs a heavily industrial, working class part of East London? What could possibly go wrong.
Nice that MPs who are currently skiing can claim up to £3.5k to cover their expenses on being recalled to the House for Thatcher's tribute.

Seems a bit far fetched given most of the current MPs weren't in office under Thatcher. Not being funny but apart from Peter Tapsill, is there anybody in the current House of Commons who served under her government or was even an MP during her reign? Probably Dennis Skinner but I can't see him paying much of a tribute.
I know its popular to blame Thatcher for the death of industry in the UK but wasn't it in reality down to the fact that what we built was shit, overpriced and uncompetitive?
Halfpenny said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Kun Aguero said:
I see Reading want a minutes silence at home to Liverpool. Lol.
If that happens I reckon we'll get to see he North/South divide in action.
Is John Madejski so naive to think the Liverpool fans want to 'pay their respects' in any way other than booing right the way through it? The woman who they think destroyed their city. The woman who was complicit in the police's Hillsborough cover-up.

Whelan is similarly mental. He wants a silence at Wigan vs Millwall. A mining town vs a heavily industrial, working class part of East London? What could possibly go wrong.

Wigan will be having their traditional 70 minutes silence anyway, interspersed with the Great Escape theme and some tit with a drum.

Millwall will respond by kicking people.
Sky News last night were reporting that the funeral is going to cost the taxpayer an estimated £8 million. Is that anywhere near the truth or were they just shit-stirring?

Because if that is indeed true, it's a scandal that a country in the economic state that Britain currently finds itself in would blow that much public money on the death of a multimillionaire who half the country detests, who saw her days out in the opulence of the Ritz and who didn't even want any of this fuss to be made over her death.

Whatever your views of her as a person or a politician, I can't believe anyone would be able to legitimately defend that.
Kun Aguero said:
Halfpenny said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
If that happens I reckon we'll get to see he North/South divide in action.
Is John Madejski so naive to think the Liverpool fans want to 'pay their respects' in any way other than booing right the way through it? The woman who they think destroyed their city. The woman who was complicit in the police's Hillsborough cover-up.

Whelan is similarly mental. He wants a silence at Wigan vs Millwall. A mining town vs a heavily industrial, working class part of East London? What could possibly go wrong.

Wigan will be having their traditional 70 minutes silence anyway, interspersed with the Great Escape theme and some tit with a drum.

Millwall will respond by kicking people.

Lol, brilliantly summarised. I won't need to watch it now.
guvnors son mcfc said:
Great post Rascal,

I left school in 85, no jobs, no way of learning a trade. I spent 12 months on a YTS course and was shipped out to a "small building firm" the type of small firm that Thatchers government encouraged on a YTS scheme created by Thatchers government. I was taught nothing and spent twelve months digging this builders foundations by hand on house extensions that he made a fortune building. I earnt £27.30 each week and the builder never gave me a penny. I was his slave for twelve months and he promised me a job at the end of my scheme and so I worked hard for him and never took a single day off, even working weekends unpaid to try and impress. At the end of my scheme he sent me back to my training centre and got a fresh new slave for twelve months.

This happened to thousands of young men like me and for that alone I will never forgive Thatcher. She did not give a shit for the youth and the YTS kept her jobless figures down to 3 million, when it should of been 5 million plus.

On the back of that thousands of fat bastard owning small businessmen made fortunes on the back of high margins at the time and free labour. These twats will still be in fantastic financial positions due to Thatchers free young labour scheme so no wonder she will have some support. Those same twats taking advantage of this free labour will have bought and paid for their houses with the fat cash they made and will live a very good life today.

It was unfair on the youth and I for one will never forget being an honest hard working slave for twelve months who was totally duped into thinking that if I worked hard I would be rewarded.

I will also never forget the fat bastard builder who had me digging footings, mixing concrete, carrying his bricks and even had me painting his bastard fence for two weeks when he had no other for me. He would have had Free Labour for at least ten years ( in today's terms saving him around £300k ) whilst telling me on a weekly basis, "well done lad, I'll take you on at the end of your scheme"

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead the fucking woman !!!!!!

The early 80s were a tough period for everyone coming out of School and College at that time, but there were qualifications, apprenticeships and trades leading to well paid and secure jobs.

e.g. A friend of mine left school at 16 and secured an apprenticeship at Rolls-Royce in 1984.

He's still working for them at Derby.

Another friend got a Job at ICI in Alderley Edge as a Lab Technician.

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