Thatcher dead

Coltrane said: an American who is unfamiliar with the inner-workings of the British political machine, could someone enlighten me as to why Margaret Thatcher stirs such disdain among so many?...
Most glorifying her death on here probably only heard about her time as PM second hand but when she came to power, inflation was high, we were in hock to the IMF, the unions were all-powerful and forced through wage settlements completely out of line with what their industries could afford and many of those industries were owned by the state and required huge volumes of money pumping in regularly.

She curbed the pwoer of the unions, brought inflation down and got government finances under control, withdrew support from failing uncompetitive industries and reduced the ludicrous levels of taxation we had, where you could be paying 98% tax on some income. She also allowed people to buy the council houses they'd rented for years at knock-down prices.

The downside of all that was that most of our major manufacturing industries went out of business or were sold off to foreign companies, unemployment mushroomed, many communities around those industries were devastated and we shifted from a manufacturing to a service economy.

Much of what she did set the scene for the next 35 years, some of which was right and sme of which was wrong. We may be in a mess now but without her we's have probably been in a much worse mess.

She single-handedly moved politics well to the right, from the point where she was considered far too right wing by the Tory party before she came to power to the point where her natural heir was Tony Blair and New Labour.
TGR said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Coltrane said: an American who is unfamiliar with the inner-workings of the British political machine, could someone enlighten me as to why Margaret Thatcher stirs such disdain among so many?...
That's not entirely true most people down south think she is some sort of legend but she practically destroyed industry so that took out the North and Wales. She didn't rig 3 elections, so she obviously did something right. Growing up down south the only people I ever heard talk bad about her was my dad's side of the family

Because she smashed the radical, left wing communist unions who at the time were knowingly grinding this country into the dirt and making us the laughing stock of the world. You don't win 3 elections on the bounce if the majority of the people don't like you - and she did. Two of those elections were landslides for the Tories. People on here like to re-write history to suit there own agenda.
I also find it amazing how many people who were not even born when she was in power hate her. Work that one out.

Its called brainwashing.

I only lived through last few years of her reign so how I can make a judgement? Looking at her decisions I can't help but agree with most of them. So do her fans (and there are a lot of them) deserve to rot in hell as well? Not that I'm calling myself a fan but I have no reason to call myself a hater either. There's no excuse for bringing someone up to feel hatred towards something (except United)

This is the only thread where celebrating someone's death probably wouldn't mean an instant ban.
BoyBlue_1985 said:
TimmyP said:
Sky reporting same status of funeral as the queen mother and diana.
Fuck that!

In the current climate, I think this would be a very bad idea. Every fucking agenda in Britain on the streets that day.

Only Churchill deserved a state funeral.

Funnily enough, I think Sheikh Mansour would attend in his capacity.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Seosa said:
R.I.P to one of the greatest we've had. Regardless of your opinion of her, she'll go down as one of our most iconic leaders.

Reserve your hatred for when that c|u|n|t Ferguson dies.

That bastard is probably having a party as we speak.

Champagne Socialist twat.

Well said, fella.

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