Thatcher dead

Pigeonho said:
tolmie's hairdoo said:
bobmcfc said:
Rightly so

Pretty sure a request was made to The Queen couple years back and she had no objections to it?

I doubt Argentina will send a delegation :)
'Galtieri took the Union Jack. And Maggie, over lunch one day took a cruiser with all hands, apparently to make him give it back'

Final Cut.
Would rather we had politicians who looked after the uk than the lot we have now who are just interested in feathering there own nest and Im taking about every party
No matter which party you vote for they all piss in the same pot
Look at the recent leaders Blair,brown Cameron not one of them fit to run the uk
TheMightyQuinn said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
jay_mcfc said:
And despite the hatred she received from mainly the north of the country, only now will the real truth come about about her links to the likes of Jimmy Savile and satanism.

This really is gonna be good. I expect the shit to really hit the fan months and years into her death just like Savile himself.

Oh wow you managed to shoe horn illuminati in to this thread, good work

It was you who made the leap from Savile to the illuminati.

Its all there, as soon as you put Satanism in you are heading down a one way street to conspiracy theory way
Hated her. Hated her policies. Hated her politics. Awful, awful fucking tyrant. However, I don't wish death on anyone. I'm sure Satan is shitting himself at the thought of her arrival.

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