That's entertainment!


Well-Known Member
30 Aug 2010
South Manchester
Given that tickets are now £40 - £50 and that we supposedly have the creme de la creme of world talent who are on outrageous wages (in Yaya's case for simply waddling up and down the pitch), we deserve to be entertained.
Which home games have honestly been entertaining this season?
Liverpool, yes. Chelsea, yes (more intersting than entertaining) and errr...can't think of another.
At 60 or so mins, the crowd were baying for attacking intent, instead we got crab football, sideways and sideways and sideways.
Mancini needs to change his style if he wants to keep the fans on board.
His suggestion that he was going for a win is absolutely laughable.
Ok, against the Rags caution might be warranted, but not against the likes of Blackburn, Wigan etc.
At present we play with the prospect of getting 5 chances or so a game. If we had twenty chances, surely we might score more?
Just a thought.
Great Jam tune too.
typicalcity68 said:
Given that tickets are now £40 - £50 and that we supposedly have the creme de la creme of world talent who are on outrageous wages (in Yaya's case for simply waddling up and down the pitch), we deserve to be entertained.
Which home games have honestly been entertaining this season?
Liverpool, yes. Chelsea, yes (more intersting than entertaining) and errr...can't think of another.
At 60 or so mins, the crowd were baying for attacking intent, instead we got crab football, sideways and sideways and sideways.
Mancini needs to change his style if he wants to keep the fans on board.
His suggestion that he was going for a win is absolutely laughable.
Ok, against the Rags caution might be warranted, but not against the likes of Blackburn, Wigan etc.
At present we play with the prospect of getting 5 chances or so a game. If we had twenty chances, surely we might score more?
Just a thought.
Great Jam tune too.
Fans used to go to support the team. Entertainment was a bonus.

The manager is responsible for getting the best for the team and club, not for producing entertaining football.

I don't think we approached the game against Utd any differently - accept we were more concentrated and put a lot more effort into it. The difference is United defended a lot better than most opponenets, and when they get the ball they keep it a lot better than most teams

It's laughable to think that City did not go for a win. Yes we didn't get close to it, but the intent was still there.

It's a cheap and very easy shot to take that Mancini is a negative coach and is holding back the attacking flair. It suggests an easy solution i.e. change manager and the shackles will be lifted and we'll thrash all comers 6-0. I don't think most blues seriously think that's the case
I don´t care about entertainment, I care about us not loosing games, us not conceding goals..

Some games are more important not to loose than to win...
I've thought about this long and hard now and listening to my heart I want flair footy (who wouldn't) and grumbled about the 'negativity' but I also want results...

TBH, at the end of the day , for me, results trump flair because I've supported this club for too long and I fookin want rid of the 'plucky , shitty City' thing..

I'm fed up with being patronised by the so called big clubs (we've now beaten all of them over the last 2 seasons but the scum have sneaked it too many times)

.. we are thereabouts now (if not there) and the way we tamed the scum, attack after attcak, showed a calmness and lack of flappability that must have sent sent bacon face and his minions wild ...

I watched the game in the Iguana in chorlton with a 75 : 25 red : blue ratio
The rags in the pub were spiting tintacs by the end... loads of "you've got all these millions and that's the best you can do ".. etc.. most blues seemed quietly content but the rags, denied thir traditional 'fergir-time goal' were sounding just a tad bitter..

I think that this match may be a defining moment in Mcr derbies as this was not a gung-ho cup tie type city victory but a calm calculated Aikido -style way of neutering the attacks of the scum tht had those rags in the pubs snarling at Berba, rafael and their own dear wes Orange .... lol !!!!
h result is probably the most accurate reflectio of where the two clubs are at ATM

smell the fear , blues...

the tick, tock sounds at one time quiter but more insistent....
For me, watching your own team is about emotions. You don't need to play pretty football to feel positive emotion.

If i want entertainment i can watch any football match.
great jam single.....

Fergie made sure he had his strongest possible team out,expecting city to go gung ho cos it was a derby and prob expecting to pick us off on the counter attack.which is what thay are good at,away from home.
Bobby manc,s no fool..the days of keystone cops defending are over for city. we are now a unit,looking solid..i was "entertained "last year with 7 goals at the swamp.oh great. i felt a whole lot better having picked upa point this time are progressing. that will do for me.
typicalcity68 said:
Given that tickets are now £40 - £50 and that we supposedly have the creme de la creme of world talent who are on outrageous wages (in Yaya's case for simply waddling up and down the pitch), we deserve to be entertained.
Which home games have honestly been entertaining this season?
Liverpool, yes. Chelsea, yes (more intersting than entertaining) and errr...can't think of another.
At 60 or so mins, the crowd were baying for attacking intent, instead we got crab football, sideways and sideways and sideways.
Mancini needs to change his style if he wants to keep the fans on board.
His suggestion that he was going for a win is absolutely laughable.
Ok, against the Rags caution might be warranted, but not against the likes of Blackburn, Wigan etc.
At present we play with the prospect of getting 5 chances or so a game. If we had twenty chances, surely we might score more?
Just a thought.
Great Jam tune too.

As a supporter I want to see our team succeed. It's a results business ultimately

There is no point otherwise

I could go to the cinema/ theatre/ opera/ ice hockey/ titty bar/ local pitch etc when I just want to watch summat entertaining that means very little but passes the time nicely

a) be entertaining but be generally shite but beat the rags comprehensively from time to time or b) be less entertaining but progress and start winning trophies once again?

I prefer option B but I'll keep supporting City regardless thanks. Entertaining or Boring. It matters not.


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