Ticket For Schalke
Well-Known Member
Josh Blue said:Ticket For Schalke said:Go see counselling if its people you need to talk to Bob, maybe i was out of order but my best mate is going through a divorce at the Mo, for no reason she's not letting him see his child, no one knows, he's paying through his nose for a good solicitor, and he's keeping his head up.
Horses for courses though isn't it mate? Everyone is different and so is every situation. Your friend is obviously a strong person but just because Bob is soft I dont think there was any need to pisstake, bully, laugh at and generally be abit of a dick, all for your own amusement. A "Sorry Bob" wouldn't go a miss IMO.
Pipe down, how would Bob know if he was strong or not, afterall this is his first time, its after the aftermath you reflect and think, yer man.
But i do find coming on an internet forum to discuss your problems a bit strange, why not just pm a few people, then it wouldnt be out in the open and you would get a lot more serious answers.