The 100/104 goal chase


United 2
Spurs 2
Swansea 4
West Ham 3
Huddersfield 5
Southampton 3
Brighton 3

Total - 110 goals
rags 2
Spurs 1
Swansea 3
West Ham 3
Huddersfield 3
Southampton 2
Brighton 3

My predictions I can easily see us breaking the record.
This was my way of thinking but reckon if we beat the scum we’ll ease off the gas. So, not so confident now.
: (
Any of you been offered attractive cash-outs yet?
I got offered £70 in January to cash out (I jumped on at £10 10/1 sometime after the Liverpool game - shit odds) but didn't. Now the option has disappeared and I'm almost regretting my decision now as I think it's going to be closer than we thought 2/3 months ago...
Some team is going to be on the end of 5 or 6 before season finishes.. which in itself will give us a few games grace of not scoring or low goals in games. COME ON CITY! ! !
Don't see City scoring more than three in a game while they're still in the Champions League. As soon as the third goes in they go into game management mode. Keep the ball, don't overstretch, make some substitutions
Don't see City scoring more than three in a game while they're still in the Champions League. As soon as the third goes in they go into game management mode. Keep the ball, don't overstretch, make some substitutions

Depends if the other side properly caves in and how hungry our players are

We send out a team that perhaps isn't full strength but the players are anxious to perform as they know they want to prove their worth as a potential Champions League semi final approaches, so we play Aguero up front, Gundogan is also selected and Bernardo
Later in the game Diaz comes on. Now he's a player that only runs towards the opposition penalty area

No matter who is selected to play for us, there are plenty of players who have something to prove and who will still be very hungry to score
Don't see City scoring more than three in a game while they're still in the Champions League. As soon as the third goes in they go into game management mode. Keep the ball, don't overstretch, make some substitutions
I know what you're saying pal but in the weeks where we've got no CL games I can see us pasting one of the Brightons or Swanseas of the world. And scoring 3 in games isn't the end of the world ;-)
I know what you're saying pal but in the weeks where we've got no CL games I can see us pasting one of the Brightons or Swanseas of the world. And scoring 3 in games isn't the end of the world ;-)

Especially as we only need around 2 a game for either bet.
Keep scoring 3 a game is fine by me ;-)

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