The Album Review Club - Week #140 - (page 1844) - Lovers Electric - Lovers Electric

This whole board is running scared of my keyboard. Only explanation for there being 86 nominated albums thus far but none by "tHe MOsT imPorTAnt BaNd iN ThE woRld" yet.
So you nominate it and therefore unable to score it, everyone else rightly scores it highly and it tops the charts. Works for me
So you nominate it and therefore unable to score it, everyone else rightly scores it highly and it tops the charts. Works for me
Or . . . I eviscerate it for all the reasons I've honed over 30 years since first hearing it, the objective denizens here listen and agree with my review, and it fails as it deserves to because I persuade everyone I am right :)

I should note it depends on WHICH record. They have many, many awful ones, but some are better or worse than others. The rainbows one was okay.
That is actually really cool and very random!

Also you should feel free to offer up bad reviews and low scores. It keeps the scoring honest for one, and those of us who disagree (or the original contributor) will argue the points against you.

Well over a year on I think we've all developed pretty thick skin and most of us have contributed some records the regulars here like, and some they dislike. Also several albums in for many of us we are onto records we feel a little less emotionally attached to as well.

Or -- if you are really worried about getting eviscerated -- nominate a record you hate! Or one with a major flaw! I've been thinking about doing that for my next pick . . . can anyone guess what that might be? :}

As much as the actual nominations it would be quite interesting to know about some of the albums people have considered and definitively decided against for whatever reason, I realise they could in theory be on someone else's list to nominate but it's probably unlikely. As a sometime (and crap) clarinettist, part of me wanted to nominate Jimmy Giuffre's Free Fall at some point because I think it's a mind blowing album but it's not going to happen as it's just way too niche. A few people myself included think it's a mesmeric exploration of what you can get a clarinet to do sonically; many clarinet players think every copy on earth should be melted down. To say I think it would get short thrift on here would be an understatement. Other people must have stuff they really like but have decided is a bit too niche?

Back to this weeks nomination, first listen it grew on me as it went along.

Or . . . I eviscerate it for all the reasons I've honed over 30 years since first hearing it, the objective denizens here listen and agree with my review, and it fails as it deserves to because I persuade everyone I am right :)

I should note it depends on WHICH record. They have many, many awful ones, but some are better or worse than others. The rainbows one was okay.
It’s an interesting concept that we should all nominate an album that we really don’t like and fly in the face of popular opinion by doing so. My Radiohead would be John Lennon, probably his first album but then I would have to listen to it in order to write my detailed negative review and I just can’t bring myself to.
It’s an interesting concept that we should all nominate an album that we really don’t like and fly in the face of popular opinion by doing so. My Radiohead would be John Lennon, probably his first album but then I would have to listen to it in order to write my detailed negative review and I just can’t bring myself to.

No his second album, including the saccharine encased twaddle of it's title track. How do you sleep at night Paul, probably by not being as sanctimonious a twat as you John. Jealous Guy's good though.
No his second album, including the saccharine encased twaddle of it's title track. How do you sleep at night Paul, probably by not being as sanctimonious a twat as you John. Jealous Guy's good though.
A close run thing but if I remember right his first is laced with self pity and cynicism. Imagine on my list of all time hated songs
A close run thing but if I remember right his first is laced with self pity and cynicism. Imagine on my list of all time hated songs
At least his self-pity is only laughable given he was already very rich and not a cynical ploy from the get-go to make him rich like Thom Yorke's.

But wow -- eviscerating Imagine would be something I would enjoy reading whether I agreed or not.
Sorry I've missed a few scores but I generally listen to albums whilst at work. When I'm really busy (like the last few weeks) I can't listen to them as I need to concentrate! I can't listen to new music and concentrate for some reason!

Never heard of these so looking forward to it!

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