The Album Review Club - Week #140 - (page 1844) - Lovers Electric - Lovers Electric

Somewhere somehow I have heard this record many times but I don’t know if it was because my parents owned it (unlikely) or my college roommate Pete did. I think it has to be the latter, because the first year we lived together I was baked to the sky literally every day and while a lot of the music from that time in my life I recall well, it’s clear that some I do not. That year or so was a bit of a fog. Our poor roommate (now a doctor) who didn’t smoke weed but made Rice Krispy squares as his little post-study treat would sometimes find his stash raided as we got the munchies late at night. We were awful. Anyhow, I will listen a few times more but what a joy it was to hear “Mr. Skin” after all these years. Would never have known the band nor the record.
Sorry I've missed a few scores but I generally listen to albums whilst at work. When I'm really busy (like the last few weeks) I can't listen to them as I need to concentrate! I can't listen to new music and concentrate for some reason!

Never heard of these so looking forward to it!

I'm the same, other than I have no problem with new music, maybe even welcome it.

With this one though, in this week which is pretty hectic, it has been a struggle and I am behind. At first pass I find all the chopping and changing quite confusing and uncomfortable, and a rare occurance of distraction. Hence might be one I have to reserve for out of work hours. Which any other week would be easier.
I'd never heard of Spirit before but the name of the album sounded like it would be either very pretentious, or a psychedelic rock classic!

As I said before, I find it hard to listen to new music if I have to concentrate a lot at work and there's no way I could've listened to this as there's a lot going on.

I thought the album was very good and I really enjoyed it and will definitely listen to this again. Every song sounded like it should be on the album and there was a good mix of catchy early-70s rock, blues rock, touch of psychedelia and some heavy-ish stuff too. I've said it before, but this type of album is good but such was the quality in the 70s it wouldn't register as a particularly good album from that era.

My only 'complaint' is that maybe it's a couple of songs too long but I'm not sure which ones to drop!

Overall, really enjoyed it and a great pick!

I'm about ready to head out on vacation (holiday) for a few days so I want to get a score in. It's a 7/10 for me. Brought back a lot of memories even if, as I noted, the don't actuially remember the memories! Some great tunes and some rather odd ones. I will try to add more value here but it will be post-deadline, so just wanted to at least get a number in. Arguably one of my favo(u)rite picks in this thread just because of the sudden recognition of the music for so long ago, which is a very pleasant feeling.
I'm about ready to head out on vacation (holiday) for a few days so I want to get a score in. It's a 7/10 for me. Brought back a lot of memories even if, as I noted, the don't actuially remember the memories! Some great tunes and some rather odd ones. I will try to add more value here but it will be post-deadline, so just wanted to at least get a number in. Arguably one of my favo(u)rite picks in this thread just because of the sudden recognition of the music for so long ago, which is a very pleasant feeling.

A 'very pleasant feeling' that you articulated in an all caps outburst that made me wonder if you'd imbibed something!
For some reason, I really struggled to get in a decent number of attentive listens to this. Normally even with stuff I'm not that keen on I don't find it a problem but I've never really been in the right frame of mind for this one. First time really that I've struggled to give something a fair crack of the whip. From what I have managed to take in it's quite varied and there's clearly quality there but I can't get it to stick at all, albeit I've been a bit distracted this week anyway. I'm giving it a neutral 5/10.
For some reason, I really struggled to get in a decent number of attentive listens to this. Normally even with stuff I'm not that keen on I don't find it a problem but I've never really been in the right frame of mind for this one. First time really that I've struggled to give something a fair crack of the whip. From what I have managed to take in it's quite varied and there's clearly quality there but I can't get it to stick at all, albeit I've been a bit distracted this week anyway. I'm giving it a neutral 5/10.

Same for me, I can only give an album a fair listen when on commute to work - home life is too hectic and I’m here there and everywhere lately.

I’ll always give an album a fair few listens so will have to review late again this one

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