The Album Review Club - Week #142 - (page 1874) - Strange Times - The Chameleons

The debut was put together quickly and cheaply in every regard.

I think "Technical Ecstasy" might be their best album cover.

Yeah I watched a documentary on them a while back that was really good and an eye opener on how basic it's origins were. It took a couple of days or something, mostly live and hardly any overdubs at all. Ozzy in a booth and the rest going at it. They didn't have much equipment, I think Iommi either couldn't afford or didn't know how to replace one of his pickups when it failed but he had a spare guitar he'd never really played so he used that etc and yet somehow they managed to change the music world.

When I was younger and fancied myself as a trenchcoat wearing smartarse, I used to be happy to take the piss out the whole heavy industry/heavy rock vibe of the Midlands/Black Country but then I grew up (a bit) and realised there's very good reasons why the region looks on Sabbath and a few others as favoured sons.
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Here's @GornikDaze 's write-up.

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

At a time when peace and love was in full flow a little band from Brum was about to drop a huge bomb on the music world.

I have no exact date when I first heard Black Sabbath’s self titled debut album. Suffice to say it was from a distance in 1970 thanks to my elder brother and our seven year age gap. I actually bought my own copy of this at 15 (1977 ish) after my bro moved out and took his records with him (how rude!).

Listening to this album now brings back my early younger memories - the atmospheric opening title track, the rain, the thunder and the metal master’s haunting opening vocal. I still don’t think there is anything that quite gets to this level of “what the f*ck is going on’ on the intro of any debut album.

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not the biggest fan of Ozzy’s voice, there are better out there in the rock world. However, he captured the market for combining theatre and vocals.

The opener builds to driving riffs, mysterious lyrics and the haunting vocal performance. It certainly blew me away in those early days and still does today.

I’m not going to dissect every track - that’s for you guys to do. There are some belters, and there are some non belters.

I chose this album as it propelled a young me into the world of rock and later metal. I don’t think this is a metal album per se, particularly when judged against current metal standards. This for me is more a heavy blues album - Cream on steroids if you like. The whole album is full of bluesy licks but played by Iommi with heavy distortion and experimentation of drop tuning. His guitar work is a masterclass - he remains a genius to this day. Considering he lost a couple of fingertips on his fretting hand in a workplace accident it is even more remarkable. For me, this work is showcased on Warning - heavy blues at its finest and one of my all time favourite solos. Yes I know, it goes on too long (yawn) but that’s its beauty and majesty. It builds and builds and is just perfection.

The whole album was (according to Sabbath folklore) recorded in 12 hours - Ozzy famously said they made it to the pub before closing time! The following day was used for a few additions and mixing. Two days of a young band jamming together in a studio and laying down one of the most iconic rock albums.

Yes there are more hits on the follow up Paranoid, but this is where it all began. I’m interested to hear views of those that haven’t heard this before as I’m sure there will be a few. Is it metal, has it stood the test of time and did Ozzy ever have the voice of a choirboy?
Cheers for posting this up Rob - looks like the debate has started which is always a bonus
Re listen time....had it years, but not listened to it for ages, certainly not their best, but then I don't think Paranoid is either!
The "ozzy isn't the best singer" makes me laugh, voices are personal taste, if music was based on voices, everyone in this thread would be huge Tom Jones/Celine Dion fans ;)
What's wrong with Celi Tom Jones?
Really enjoyed talking about them this week. They are comfortably in my top 10 bands.

Depending on where you stand with Frightened Rabbit, TS' new favouritism might be considered.

(Sorry meant to respond to this before the changeover but slipped by, getting it in before it gets too awkward).
Depending on where you stand with Frightened Rabbit, TS' new favouritism might be considered.

(Sorry meant to respond to this before the changeover but slipped by, getting it in before it gets too awkward).
I've not heard any Frightened Rabbit - will check them out

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