The Album Review Club - Week #143 - (page 1884) - I Should Coco - Supergrass

No, it’s a harsh critique but I need to know these things.
How else can I improve myself.
Take the filter off and let fly.

But he started it.
Well you know a spatula is the perfect kitchen implement? You can mix, flip, stir and with the application of enough force crudely chop courgettes. In certain circumstances you can use it as a defensive weapon. It may not have the explosive power of a cannon but it is easier to employ in small spaces. Many neglect the humble spatula but not me! I never attempt to fry an egg without one close to hand.

On those small occasions they cause an inconvenience the spatula itself is rarely the cause. If treated with appropriate levels of respect a spatula will never cause a drawer to not fully open. It is the fault of the drawer owner when by his own careless reckless behaviour he causes a spatula to stick a drawer.

Even though we are separated by a sea and, in this instance, misunderstanding we are not enemies. In many ways I'm the fish slice in this scenario. We are cousins in the kitchen and in life. Unlike a spatula however a fish slice is immediately less valuable to a kitchen and society as a whole. Id be loathe to carry on through life without a spatula. In contrast the fish slice has less utility and ultimately less value to society. In no way should the ramblings of the fish slice impinge on the fortitude of the spatula.
Well you know a spatula is the perfect kitchen implement? You can mix, flip, stir and with the application of enough force crudely chop courgettes. In certain circumstances you can use it as a defensive weapon. It may not have the explosive power of a cannon but it is easier to employ in small spaces. Many neglect the humble spatula but not me! I never attempt to fry an egg without one close to hand.

On those small occasions they cause an inconvenience the spatula itself is rarely the cause. If treated with appropriate levels of respect a spatula will never cause a drawer to not fully open. It is the fault of the drawer owner when by his own careless reckless behaviour he causes a spatula to stick a drawer.

Even though we are separated by a sea and, in this instance, misunderstanding we are not enemies. In many ways I'm the fish slice in this scenario. We are cousins in the kitchen and in life. Unlike a spatula however a fish slice is immediately less valuable to a kitchen and society as a whole. Id be loathe to carry on through life without a spatula. In contrast the fish slice has less utility and ultimately less value to society. In no way should the ramblings of the fish slice impinge on the fortitude of the spatula.

Surely your hypothesis falls apart at the point a person is a big fan of fish, as presumably Mrs Belfry is?

Also despite my advanced years I have never mediated on the nature of the spatula until this last half hour. One thing is very clear, the word spatula covers way too many varied devices to be useful. It's like being in the arctic circle and only having the one word for snow, insufficient and unhelpful.
Surely your hypothesis falls apart at the point a person is a big fan of fish, as presumably Mrs Belfry is?

Also despite my advanced years I have never mediated on the nature of the spatula until this last half hour. One thing is very clear, the word spatula covers way too many varied devices to be useful. It's like only having the one word for snow, insufficient and unhelpful.
You don't actually need a fish slice to cook fish. It's kind of misleading. Some allege a conspiracy by big utensil but I don't go that far. A spatula is more than adequate for poaching a lovely sea bass. A fish slice is actually pretty useful for other things such as

1) buttering large pieces of toast. Your toaster is really the limiting factor but if you have a meat fork and a gas fire you can toast quite large pieces of bread.
2) applying filler to holes. Useful in a pinch if you can't find your pallet knife.
3) temporary Hitler moustache. With a black Sharpie you can easily turn a common fish slice into a temporary Hitler moustache. The handle makes it nice and easy to apply the moustache and remove it as appropriate to the situation.
4) tiny pirate plank. Self explanatory
5) pretentious spoons. Get a second fish slice and you can now play the spoons like a fancy french gentleman. Use an elastic band to fix the fish slices together at the handle end to make them a little easier to play the trickier parts of Joe Le Taxi

Mrs Belfry isn't much into fish but does like a little sausage
Well you know a spatula is the perfect kitchen implement? You can mix, flip, stir and with the application of enough force crudely chop courgettes. In certain circumstances you can use it as a defensive weapon. It may not have the explosive power of a cannon but it is easier to employ in small spaces. Many neglect the humble spatula but not me! I never attempt to fry an egg without one close to hand.

On those small occasions they cause an inconvenience the spatula itself is rarely the cause. If treated with appropriate levels of respect a spatula will never cause a drawer to not fully open. It is the fault of the drawer owner when by his own careless reckless behaviour he causes a spatula to stick a drawer.

Even though we are separated by a sea and, in this instance, misunderstanding we are not enemies. In many ways I'm the fish slice in this scenario. We are cousins in the kitchen and in life. Unlike a spatula however a fish slice is immediately less valuable to a kitchen and society as a whole. Id be loathe to carry on through life without a spatula. In contrast the fish slice has less utility and ultimately less value to society. In no way should the ramblings of the fish slice impinge on the fortitude of the spatula.

Wtf's a fish slice?

And wtf's this album.

Roon' here mate, a slice is what we call sausage. So now i'm imagining a fish sausage. In a 'barm'. Hmm I now want one.
Wtf's a fish slice?

And wtf's this album.

Roon' here mate, a slice is what we call sausage. So now i'm imagining a fish sausage. In a 'barm'. Hmm I now want one.
Hmm the conspiracy runs deep. I googled fish slice to try and find you a picture but none of the pictures are what I have in mind. I am picturing something similar to a spatula but it is longer, straight and thinner.

It took me a couple of minutes to open my cutlery drawer (because I do own a spatula) and unfortunately I do not have a utensil that I would formerly and confidently refer to fish slice. I think it's probably best if we all just pretend the last 24 hours haven't happened
Hmm the conspiracy runs deep. I googled fish slice to try and find you a picture but none of the pictures are what I have in mind. I am picturing something similar to a spatula but it is longer, straight and thinner.

It took me a couple of minutes to open my cutlery drawer (because I do own a spatula) and unfortunately I do not have a utensil that I would formerly and confidently refer to fish slice. I think it's probably best if we all just pretend the last 24 hours haven't happened

Where as I learned you do actually get fish sausage, and in slice format! A popular korean snack. Could be doing with being a bit more square, but google happened to have an image of where my mind went for fish slice.


And I think I also know what you mean by the utensil, we both learned something today.
Where as I learned you do actually get fish sausage, and in slice format! A popular korean snack. Could be doing with being a bit more square, but google happened to have an image of where my mind went for fish slice.

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And I think I also know what you mean by the utensil, we both learned something today.
I only learned about the extent of my own ignorance. This can be a bitter pill to swallow but is normally good for long term growth. Chapeau to you

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