The are we allowed the "it's quiet" thread yet? thread.

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I'd hoped for a burst of activity prior to the Euro's but it's not looking likely to happen but they say patience is a virtue - I'm sure we will have one hell of a squad by August.

I hope your right mate... I understand that the window isn't officially open yet but I try to think who is available and who we would be able to actually get and I struggle. Hopefully the Pep factor will see us get our targets.
I like to give them nick names or call them by their first name,i don't think you boys like it though except for sergio and vinny

I got a bloke sitting behind me who calls the players by their first name. As if he knows them all personally.
I'd sooner people call players by their first names rather than nicknames.
Wazza, lamps, jt and gerro.
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