The are we allowed the "it's quiet" thread yet? thread.

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I don't get why we have the same rows every window. Personally I love all the snippets and info people post. Don't care if it's shite or not it all adds to ameliorate the boredom whilst we wait for the season to start. The problem to my mind is not those who post bits of info but those who can't wait to have a go if said deal doesn't happen. Things fuck up , the third law of sod happens.. I learned years back to let it all come and go and see what happens and don't bet on transfers or city at all. I lost a tenner on Pogba last year haha. And the Kaka watch threads etc aged me about 10 years. Keep posting all our ITKs its entertainment. Some of us love it.
I don't claim to be itk, but a few years back I built a block of flats and the Oldham chairman moved in. Told me he was going to make a few million as Micah was about to sign for the arsenal. Virtually got death threats when it didn't happen. I get the odd good snippet through apartments I rent out but am always retisant to post as pudge will be RIGHT ON ME !
You'd like that, pervert !!!! ;-)
Yep, he's a total fucking chancer, and whats worse is there were posters on here lost money on several transfer rumors because they were gullible enough to believe his waffles.

No one wants to stop anyone posting and guessing, but continuously trying to pass yourself off as having inside info from all your alleged contacts is a little needy, aint it. I honestly cannot remember him ever even coming close to getting one right. But if he fucks off for a year, there's a new batch of needy readers desperate to believe his spiel.

Anyone one willing to lay out cold hard cash on basis of something they read on an internet forum posted by someone they do not know needs to be having a strong word with themselves.
Ajay mate I'll stick up for you. I hope what you said comes through and shuts people up. I don't know you from Adam and don't know your history about transfers but I'll give you a chance to back yourself up with your info.
Well I don't usually do this as I don't like to get blues hopes up but

I was speaking to a guy who is very close to the club(Asda on Alan Turing Way) and he said city would be signing a couple of players this window as long as we could agree terms with the players and a fee with the selling clubs, I would appreciate it though if you didn't spread this around to protect my source.

He likes working on the fish counter so I don't want to fuck it up for him.

Remember you heard it here first.
Is it isco? Kaka? De rossi?
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