The Badger, pound for pound the strongest/fiercest animal!


Active Member
28 Sep 2009
wherever i am i have taken the weather with me!
I don't know whether people know this but the badger pound for pound is the strongest/fiercest animal. When people used to badger bait (break a badgers back legs and set two dogs on it) it was more common for the badger to kill the dogs rather than the dogs getting the badger. The Honey Badger found in south america is a fierce beast and has taken down leapards and wilderbeast becasue they go for the genitals.

What animals do you think are better?
elmarto88 said:
I don't know whether people know this but the badger pound for pound is the strongest/fiercest animal. When people used to badger bait (break a badgers back legs and set two dogs on it) it was more common for the badger to kill the dogs rather than the dogs getting the badger. The Honey Badger found in south america is a fierce beast and has taken down leapards and wilderbeast becasue they go for the genitals.

What animals do you think are better?
I saw a video of a honey badger kcking fuck out of this massive snake. It fucking destroyed it.

Was it this one? Think I seen it before on a documentary. It actully got bit by the snake and just shook it off. Meean MO FO's
Don't believe everything you googletube Elmart, the yank badgers are a different game cause thier a lot faster but lighter of frame. Specific trained dogs will do a parcel of badgers in one sitting especially given the right conditions, thier half blind and half deaf and above ground a human is capable of catching one by hand...for a 80lb 30 mph dog the above ground badger offers little resistance and a good dog will have it up in the air and dead like a terrier would a rat. Below ground different game entirely...they'll try to dig away but if it's on top then they'll get on thier back with thier claws in the air and open-up the cock the pitbulls like we would a tin of sardines. The naughtiest wild animal over here is probably the otter (forget the walt disney shit) they are faster than fox and stronger than a badger. That said a pine martin is a naughty little critter but for outright nasty little shits that will blag harass and be deadgame then the Wolverine of north America takes some beating.

"Sling your hook Wolfboy"
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