The Badger, pound for pound the strongest/fiercest animal!

mcfc_ms said:
I have said before that its a myth that badgers are hard buggers

How many live badgers have you seen? compared to amount of dead ones you have seen. You would have seen far more dead ones. So they cant be that hard can they?

A crocodile is the ultimate animal! you know the saying 'never smile at a crocodile, cos it will eat your face'

Based on being hit by a car. Crocs are top preditors in their own enviroment, but them against a squirrel with a flick knife...
I saw a badger last week.

It made my week because I've never seen one before and as a kid my teddy was a badger so I've always liked them.
masterwig said:
I saw a badger last week.

It made my week because I've never seen one before and as a kid my teddy was a badger so I've always liked them.

Loons feed 'em Wig thier some kind of Disney character, big problems if they decide to tunnel into your ground (if your house goes lob-sided you know who's to blame). They can't be hunted and culled the countryside is full of 'em...i could show you a parcel of 'em 3 mile from COMS...full of TB, they piss in the deck...cows eat the grass...we eat the cows and go poorly.
BimboBob said:
pee dubya said:
That's because the Panda has crazy strong jaw muscles, could bite your face off no problem.

Give me enough time and i could bite your face off.Pandas are lazy fuckers...they can't even be bothered to fuck.

Not in one bite though!

[youtube][/youtube] *NSFW*

Try telling me Panda's are cute and cuddly now.

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