The Badger, pound for pound the strongest/fiercest animal!

the killer whale (orca) is now officially the hardest thin in the sea after one was filmed twatting a great white shark.

And, if you ever get attacked off a shark, simply turn it upside down and it will go into a trance.
pee dubya said:
BimboBob said:
Give me enough time and i could bite your face off.Pandas are lazy fuckers...they can't even be bothered to fuck.

Not in one bite though!

[youtube][/youtube] *NSFW*

Try telling me Panda's are cute and cuddly now.

All i saw was a bloke cuddling a very lazy and fat Panda.Was there something i missed?
Matty said:
stonerblue said:
the killer whale (orca) is now officially the hardest thin in the sea after one was filmed twatting a great white shark.

And, if you ever get attacked off a shark, simply turn it upside down and it will go into a trance.

Yeah, "simply".
PMSL thats what i thought when i read it
pound for pound ??
i heard somebody ages ago saying mink were hard as nails
one got in a pub yard , and had 2 rottweilers in a corner shittin emselves
dunno if tru
BimboBob said:
pee dubya said:
Not in one bite though!

[youtube][/youtube] *NSFW*

Try telling me Panda's are cute and cuddly now.

All i saw was a bloke cuddling a very lazy and fat Panda.Was there something i missed?

Wow! scary stuff.
BimboBob said:
pee dubya said:
Not in one bite though!

[youtube][/youtube] *NSFW*

Try telling me Panda's are cute and cuddly now.

All i saw was a bloke cuddling a very lazy and fat Panda.Was there something i missed?

You've got to watch it really closely, and look at the fear in the mans eyes. This is Panda Propaganda, out of shot there are 6 giant male pandas, menacingly chewing on bamboo, which, after the video finishes, they spear the guy with repeatedly until he's nothing but a bloody mess of bamboo and body parts. I've seen the full video, they are organised and vicious, don't let the propaganda and 'too lazy even to shag' image fool you.
Badgers, Badgers, Badgers. I'm getting sick of hearing about them, i blame the liberals!!! Too much molly coddling as babies. If you're a badger come out and say it!!! Don't skulk about at night going to that badger Bar in Ambleside, come out and be proud, say it loud and proud, I AM A BADGER!!!! Leave the secret night life and join the wider community.

Have I picked this up wrong, or has my medication just ran out........................Nurse!!!!!
Clayton Vale and Phillips Cemetery and Park are full of Badgers all with 1/2 mile of Coms. Most dogs will struggle with a badger alone and usually 3 or 4 dogs are needed to deal with a Badger i'
ve heard. They are a formidable opponents and are fighting for their lives when they come across dogs, which is all the more common lately and will ultimately end in tears if one appears near a child.

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