The battle of nr 10s

AFFS said:
AgüeroKun said:
1. Silva
2. Hazzard
3. Cazrola
4. Kagawa

obviously this.
Nothing obvious at all at this stage.

Let's wait at least a season before deciding on all of these - with the exception of Silva, who has already proved he can cut it over a season in the EPL.

I remember an article by David Mellor after Drogba had been at Chelsea for over a season, claiming that Drogba was a useless lump, whom Chelsea should get rid of a.s.a.p.!

[If we are talking about potential, then surely something should be taken into account about the players' performances pre-EPL. If this is the case then possibly Cazorla and Kagawa have been underestimated, as the leagues they were playing in are stronger than Hazard's was]
Sigurdsson. ;)

But of the ones you suggested, I would say Silva - Hazard - Kagawa - Cazorla.

Of course the player who is used to the Premier League and his team will have the advantage. Must say I think Cazorla has looked very good so far, but based on what I've seen in the past he is not as talented as Hazard or Kagawa imo. Kagawa was an immense player at Dortmund but looks like he hasn't replicated that in England yet. Plus Hazard and Kagawa are much younger.
Silva has been underwhelming for a good while tbf, actualy haven't been impressed too much this whole calendar year he seemed to peter out in the second half of the season. Top player though, just looking at his form over a year.

Hazard will score more than Cazorla but as someone else said he is very inconsistent in general play and is more of an attacker than Santi who drops deep to control the game with the centre mids and then finds pockets of space higher up the pitch. Many were wanking Hazard off early on but even his overall displays in those matches were flaky and inconsistent. He's an insane talent though and will be one of the best in the league.

Kagawa is very good but dont think he suits United at all, Arsenal would be a better fit for him in a number 10 role with a lone striker ahead. United will have to shift Rooney wide to play this system, or shift Kagawa wide where he is not nearly as good. So I think the signings of Kagawa and RVP were a little strange given United's typical system and style.

So far Cazorla and Hazard are playing best out of those, I wouldnt swap him for Hazard or Kagawa, Silva in top form is another matter but he needs to get back there for me.
Cazorla is a monster, closest thing to Messi on these shores right now in terms of intelligence, control and dribbling
cazorla is a fantastic player.

hes everything i want from a creative midfielder
He has been an amazing signing for us at 12m + add ons. These Spanish players just ooze class, everything he does looks perfect. The ball sticks to him, it's very hard to dispossess him. Also, no one knows if he's right footed or left as he's extremely comfortable on both, so rare.
Dempsey outscored all of them by miles last season.

If his name was Santi Eden Dempsinho
He would be treated as a "god"
Arsenalfan23 said:
He has been an amazing signing for us at 12m + add ons. These Spanish players just ooze class, everything he does looks perfect. The ball sticks to him, it's very hard to dispossess him. Also, no one knows if he's right footed or left as he's extremely comfortable on both, so rare.

Great bit of business. Anyone who watched Santi play in Spain knew he would be be brilliant in this league.

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