The benefit fraud culture

seems to be a lot of daily mail readers on this about starting at the top and working down ie millionaires who dont pay tax MPs who claim fraudulent expenses and royal family hangers on who are paid tens of thousand through accident of birth..once weve done that perhaps we could pay our frontline soldiers a decent wage and house their families in accomadation that doesnt resemble a brazillian shanty town..
Eh, don't tar me with the Daily Fail brush please!
I abhor that right-wing pile of shit.

Unfortunately the system is for two tiers only it seems.
Tax loopholes for the squillionaires (who live offshore), and the dole.
Us poor friggers in the middle, i.e. ordinary working class (and I class myself as working class, because I work!) only get screwed by these systems.

I would certainly endorse the abolishment of:
The House of Lords
The Royal Family and the Civil List
And a radical overhaul of the benefits system.
Every self employed person in the UK is fiddling the tax system unless they are an utter buffoon.
When I worked in teaching there were loads of families self employed claiming free dinners and dropping the kids off at school in a brand new Beemer/Mercedes.
denislawsbackheel said:
Every self employed person in the UK is fiddling the tax system unless they are an utter buffoon.
When I worked in teaching there were loads of families self employed claiming free dinners and dropping the kids off at school in a brand new Beemer/Mercedes.

I'm self-employed and I pay my way. Obviously there's the odd cash-in-hand job.
But I claim nothing. That's for the people who need it, not as a bit of a top-up... oh and my car is shit.
blue b4 the moon said:
Dealing with these sort of people on a daily basis, you'd be amazed that it's never their fault and that they know someone who is frauding as well but wouldn't dream of 'dobbing them in'.

I've got work coming out of my ears as all of us have however if you have the urge to help close the noose on a benefit thief call 0800 854 440.

I do the same job as you (I presume) up in Northumberland, just interviewed a women this morning, had a private pension for 10 years never once bothered to tell us about it, over 5 seperate claim forms. £28000 overpaid in benefits and what will she get in court, £100 fine and a few hours 'community punishment order'. Its the sentances that make me laugh, £100 fine for an interest free loan of nearly £30000 !
I can't work up any where near as much anger for those that benefit fiddle As I can for those that Tax dodge

good luck to all you fiddlers and I hope they make all you catchers redundant ane retrain you for tax dodgers

and good riddance Tracy Emin
kronkonite said:
I can't work up any where near as much anger for those that benefit fiddle As I can for those that Tax dodge

good luck to all you fiddlers and I hope they make all you catchers redundant ane retrain you for tax dodgers

and good riddance Tracy Emin

Not going to get in a debate on this (all fraud is wrong).

*Shakes head at your comments*.
there were plenty of pockets to pick at the tory party do this week -time we got our own back

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