The Biggest Political Gamble Ever

Just to set my position clearly here I do not oppose cuts. I appreciate the need for them and I happen to welcome the rolling back of the nanny state created under Brown, as well as the resulting cost savings.

However I am watching more basic services that should most definitely be invested in and not scaled back.

Also the reasons for some of the decisions being made a re most certainly ideological and not for the betterment of the the UK and the society we live in.

It is also somewhat galling when we see these things done in our name when none of us were given any indication that they would happen.

I am pretty sure the excuse that 'things are far worse than we imagined whilst in opposition' so we have to will prive to be understood for what it is in 4 years time.

As a country we are nowhere near as skint as people are trying to suggest. The fear of a Greek style crash are simply nonsensical and only help prove the point that we are being fed disinformation for reasons of propaganda and not in order for us to make real judgements on issues that affect us all.

It seems we have a group of professional politicians of the very worst kind in power for now.

But it is only for now.
Skashion said:
Balti said:
yes lets all pretend that labour didn't cause this mess in the first place
Labour caused a worldwide recession? That's a bit of a cock up even by their standards.

there was of course a global recession but gordon browns feck ups didnt help

selling off the nations gold way too cheap, doing nowt to regulate the banks, giving up our EU rebate, not listening to Vince Cable's repeated warnings, stealing 100 billion from pensions but still getting us over £1trillion in debt etc etc

he was culpable alright no matter how much New Labour try and pin the blame on the new government that needs to try and clean up their mess
Skashion said:
Balti said:
yes lets all pretend that labour didn't cause this mess in the first place
Labour caused a worldwide recession? That's a bit of a cock up even by their standards.

They didn't cause it of course, but they are responsible for putting us in one of the worst positions of any of the developed world in terms of recovery.
Balti said:
selling off the nations gold way too cheap, doing nowt to regulate the banks, giving up our EU rebate, not listening to Vince Cable's repeated warnings, stealing 100 billion from pensions but still getting us over £1trillion in debt etc etc

he was culpable alright no matter how much New Labour try and pin the blame on the new government that needs to try and clean up their mess
What do you think would have been so much different under the tories? Would there have been better regulation? Would they have refused to go into deficit during a recession?

Bugs Bunny said:
They didn't cause it of course, but they are responsible for putting us in one of the worst positions of any of the developed world in terms of recovery.
Why do you say that? Is it simply the size of the deficit as it stands? I can't imagine it's the national debt which you speak of because plenty of developed countries don't fare better than us on that front.
Balti said:
Skashion said:
Labour caused a worldwide recession? That's a bit of a cock up even by their standards.

there was of course a global recession but gordon browns feck ups didnt help
It's a Labour myth that there was a global recession. Only the US & Western European countries were badly affected because they'd built up high levels of debt and asset bubbles (where assets are massively overvalued).

So Canada, which is a member of the G7, may have tipped slightly into recession (although there's a dispute about that) but had run large surpluses in the growth years (as we should have done) so was largely unaffected. Australia, Russia, China and developing nations were also unaffected.
Not since the great depression in the thirties have we seen so many countries register negative growth. Nearly a hundred countries averaged negative growth in 2009 and it wasn't limited merely to western Europe and the US. The worst of the recession happened in eastern Europe, including Russia itself.

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