The Biggest Political Gamble Ever

Balti said:
doing nowt to regulate the banks,

Would those be the same banks that milk snatcher de-regulated?
The very same milk snatcher that sold off the public housing at a lower thn market value cost, causing the price of rented accomodation (much of which is paid for out of the public purse) to rocket, fueling the rapid rise in the price of housing while the money from rented accomodation was no longer going into local authorities to invest in more housing, but going into the capitalist pockets of the "buy to let" shysters?
It is not more cuts to public services or defence that will get this country back into the black, but more effective investigation into the tax avoiders and changes in legislation to close the loopholes in tax avoidance that sees the like of topshop theiving billions out of the country that should be being used to provide the public services that the working man relies on (i.e. not the public school educated toffs currently in the cabinet).

Hopefully Ed can get the Labour party back to its traditional core values cause within a year or two (and the sooner the better), this condem alliance will fall apart and we will have the chance to get a government that will serve all members of the country and not just the ruling elite.
hisroyalblueness said:
Timesprout; I was on the picket lines and attended the demo's during the miners strikes (still hate thatcher tothis day) but that was then and our present problem is that we're not just skint as a nation but extremely deep in debt to the point that those few in work are forced to support a massive number of people who are either out of work / unable to work or in jobs that don't actually produce anything that could bring benefit to our trade deficite.
The only thing we can do to ease the situation is to finally accept that we're not an empire anymore and shouldn't spend so much on guns and bombs to kill poor people on the far side of the planet (not to say that the working class ever took benefit from the empire - 6 year old kids were dying down mines at the height of our world power!).
Fact 1; is that we were put into american debt so as to bring them into the 2nd world war and they've controlled our governments ever since - they even have military bases in OUR country . . and only defeated countries put up with foreign power on their soil.
Fact 2; The 2nd world war was (despite adverse publicity) fought between Russia & Germany while we and our yank saviours fought a minor side show - Russia lost over 21 million lives on the Russian front alone while Britain, America, Canada, Australia and all our allies lost circa 0.9 million lives between them. Yet our debts to america forced us to support them in a cold war against the same Russians that gave so much to defeat hitler.
Fact 3; our largest expenditure of choice is the cost of the weapons we use to kill poor people so that we can steal their resources off them . . and it kills our brave soldiers, breeds hate & terrorism and certainly doesn't make the world a better place . . mr blair.
As context; circa 3,000 americans (muslim and christian) died on 9/11. 180,000 men women and children died on the first night of the illegal invasion of iraq (and over a million in due course) but iraq had nish to do with 9/11 - just lots of oil that the yanks are still pumping out to prop up the american economy. It's murder and theft on a grand scale and we're paying for it - that's the problem
i was to young to join the picket lines matey, i was leaving school in 1986 to no job prospects other than join the army, fortunatly my mam didnt fancy that idea so she got me a job in a bloody cotton mill. thatcher the woman destroyed all manufacturing industries to create a service based economy fat lot of fuckin good that did. my opinion is not one of political leanings i just think labour is the least cunty towards your average joe public
Well i spoke to a fella high up in social services in my area the other day. He predicted soup kitchens on corners within 5 years..............

Until this country rises up and says with one voice...we are sick of money being thrown away to Europe, on Wars, on feathering the nest of old boy networks, on bailing out banks that have failed, then nothing will change.

Until the country rises up and says we are sick of politicians going back on their word, treating up like the program about the war we don't see made very evident things will never change

Until this country rises up and says we are sick of being treated like cash cows having to put up with price rise after prise rise by incredibly rich corporations who like the energy company's cynically see a opportunity when cold weather comes......or like OPEC who keep oil production minimal so we can be milked by them and by the government...things will never change....

now is the time for revolution, maybe to see what smaller party's like the Greens and respect and the socialist workers party have to say. The big three have failed and taken the piss for decade after decade

Time for a change............
brass neck said:
Well i spoke to a fella high up in social services in my area the other day. He predicted soup kitchens on corners within 5 years..............

Until this country rises up and says with one voice...we are sick of money being thrown away to Europe, on Wars, on feathering the nest of old boy networks, on bailing out banks that have failed, then nothing will change.

Until the country rises up and says we are sick of politicians going back on their word, treating up like the program about the war we don't see made very evident things will never change

Until this country rises up and says we are sick of being treated like cash cows having to put up with price rise after prise rise by incredibly rich corporations who like the energy company's cynically see a opportunity when cold weather comes......or like OPEC who keep oil production minimal so we can be milked by them and by the government...things will never change....

now is the time for revolution, maybe to see what smaller party's like the Greens and respect and the socialist workers party have to say. The big three have failed and taken the piss for decade after decade

Time for a change............

Sign me up.
Vive Le-revolution
fbloke said:
Today we hear that they are closing coastguard stations, we have already heard they are slimming down and privatising the search and rescue services. The police are facing big cutbacks and the NHS.

So, seems the Tories are getting in on the act of broken promises now. First they promised to keep EMA, now they're cutting it. They promised to increase spending in real terms on the NHS, but it looks like inflation will swallow that up...

For the resident tories: How do you think Cameron would've dealt with the banking crisis? Virtually every developed country has ended up with a deficit because that was the nature of the beast. Can't criticise Brown for a global problem. Blame the cretins who started it. The bankers.
shame on you if you voted Tory

vote tory....same old story...only this time, i don't think the nation will take it lying down like the last. The machine doesn't have the old working class girl from a shop in Grantham to fall back on. Cameron and Gideon are posher than the queen, they will bring this country to its knees while them and there posh mates live it up. I say good on the students. At least they are prepared to say NO.....amazing how the media machine as one jumped to condemn the protests over a few broken windows and a flag. A few bits of property are more important it seems than 2 decades of hell this country is about to enter.
Halfpenny said:
For the resident tories: How do you think Cameron would've dealt with the banking crisis? Virtually every developed country has ended up with a deficit because that was the nature of the beast. Can't criticise Brown for a global problem. Blame the cretins who started it. The bankers.

As i am not a tory, I suppose that I shouldnt really be answering this post, but you cannot really put all of the blame on the bankers for the recession.
it was the milk snatcher that de-regulated the banking sector in this country.
It was the milk snatcher that started to sell off social housing to the greed is god capitalist market, depriving the public purse of the rental income (that could and should have paid for more social housing, and which would have kept the building trade from meltdown).
It was the selling off of the social housing that brought in the buy to let shysters that resulted in the price of property exploding, which in turn led the bankers to high risk lending strategies (and bumper bonus payments) that have caused a lot of these problems.
It was the milk snatcher that instigated the demise of the industrial heartlands of this once fertile land.

So please dont blame it all on the bankers, thatcher deserves some of the wrath as well (oh and the equally right wing assholes that followed her into number 10 and continued the policies that I have highlighted share the blame, Major, B'liar and broon)
The TUC is organising a mass rally,
Saturday, 26 March 2011 · 11:00 - 16:00
Deep spending cuts damage public services, hit the vulnerable and threaten recovery.

They're dangerous, unfair and unnecessary. But there's an alternative - one that's fair, safe and sustainable:
• A Robin Hood tax on the banks
• Close tax loopholes
• Policies for jobs and green growth

We're going to march to tell the government they need to change course

Assemble Victoria Embankment, 11am to march to a rally in Hyde Park

Hope to see you there
hisroyalblueness said:
I'm an ex-shop steward / anti-tory activist and I'd love to join you in the knocking game but I can't because you fail to recognise that the blair/brown new (right wing) labour government put us in such debt that we either dig deep and deal with it or face collapse like Ireland, Italy, Greece, Potugal.
Labour should have started the cuts while in power but didn't because they new they'd get slaughtered in the election - this means that we now have additional debt to deal with . . thank you gordon.
We haven't actually had any serious cuts as yet - just talk about them but it will be devastating when it comes and we all need to accept that hurt.

The fact is that we do need to make the cost cuts that the tory/libs are putting in place. . my argunment is that the unavoidable cuts should be focussed on defence not education etc. The problem is that the student protestors are so tyhick that they haven't put across the 'eduction not bombs' message and they look like a bunch of whingers in the press. Ergo; little support and the only effect they'll achieve is to give the rozzers some baton practice and lose the small support they have presently.

The gist of our problem is that we're so firmly wedged up the arse of the americans that we're willing to cut education and public service jobs as a choice over cutting nuclear weapons and military hardware. We continue in our illegal wars on 3rd world countries and we have the highest taxation of any developed nation to pay for it.

Crap huh?

Mr cameron, is that you?

I think this is one of the best posts i've read on here.

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