The Bluemoon Song Cup 2023

You can't really criticise any way of voting here. It's two piss poor songs. One more authentic, the other has a catchy tune and is sung by a vintage hottie. Neither deserves to go far.
Sorry sir- won't happen again

Well not until the next match-up anyway. It's not a competition where you have to play nice!
You can't really criticise any way of voting here. It's two piss poor songs. One more authentic, the other has a catchy tune and is sung by a vintage hottie. Neither deserves to go far.
I would have preferred a whoever scores first wins but BH85 cannot for unexplainable reasons including using the best of cutting edge AI tools load the winner into the forum for liking in round 2 and a lucky loser like the highest liked total of a song from the Smiths gets a second chance.
2 great songs, 2 crap videos.
Difficult one but think Walker Brothers for me...just
Yeah, I found this quite hard to decide too, the intro to Live Forever is great, i've always like that bit, but the lyrics are mad "lately, did you ever feel the pain.." that doesn't sound right to me that.. and then the walker bros song sounds poor in quality, the recording I mean.. maybe there's a better version

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