The Bluemoon Song Cup 2023

Seriously what do people HEAR in these moaning hookless sallow pinheads? How can anyone with a good heart and a steady job possibly cotton to Thom Yorke’s insufferable whin(g)ing yowl? What the fuck kind of “invention” is in a song with a minor chord change from “Wish You Here” and the worst fucking chord to change at that? What moral people drown themselves and their music in demonstrably fake angst to fleece notoriously hormone-soaked depressed teenagers while they trundle off with millions and live happily ever after?

Fuck these guys. Go Rainbow.
One of the reasons why I don’t participate much in the music threads is how some people dissect songs and artists. It’s no criticism of anybody but I just don’t hear music in that way. Part of me is jealous that others can do a proper critique of the musicians and their craft but I’m quite happy that I can simply grade things, like I’m grading apples or something, by simply comparing what I like with what I don’t like. I had a mate who used to criticise my music by explaining all the reasons he hated it and I would reply with “well, your music is shit”. On here, people would ask WHY have I given 5/10 for an album and I can’t say WHY, only that I like it better than this 4/10 album over here and less than this 6/10.

The same logic I guess applies to the why I like Radiohead, I just hear something different.

Still voted Rainbow this one though because it feels like more effort went into creating it and performing it.
Radiohead for me as a young teen was just a great rock/indie band that stood outside the mix of Britpop, The Bends and OK Computer were one of my favourite 90's albums for sure, the use of sonic layers over atmospheric melodies is why i loved most of their stuff back then - post 2000 i never took an interest and when i saw them live i was bored out my head albeit very stoned.
Can't argue with your comment re the wizarding and warlocking of the rainbow song (though I'm told there is an element about the human condition in it) but is Fake Plastic Trees profound really?? I think even Yorke has said it was just a bit of stream of consciousness that amused him.

I think this is the challenge with Radiohead, they have been lionised so much by critics that it makes people warey and dare I say cynical about them. They're not the only band to fall into this category but there's an intellectualsing and hyperbole about them that you can argue is out of kilter with their output and it has become a sort of orthodoxy. Are they sonic pioneers that have pushed and blurred the boundaries or smart lads who have cynically exploited a winning formula. You can argue both cases.

They experiment and change their style constantly and for some that's a lack of authenticity and for others it's what keeps them hooked. They've produced a lot of dross as a result of their constant messing around and need to incorporate so many instruments or effects. But they've produced some brilliant albums, the Bends and OK Computer being two absolute classics. They're not for everyone. Yorke's voice annoys people, their music feels stale for some. But I loved those two albums, which was maybe because they landed at the right time for me. And I've loved their other albums as well, albeit plenty of songs have missed. They've also written one of the best Bond themes ever, too good for it to be used in the end!

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