The Bluemoon Song Cup 2023

I recogniz(s)e my views on Radiohead are aggressively negative and they're just mine, and I wouldn't be so were this band not considered so highly by so many. I cannot hear their melody, nor their invention, in song after song and yet OK Computer, The Bends, and Kid A are all considered by many to be some of the finest pop/rock records ever made in poll after poll, not so much of professional critics but of fans. It's that high regard I object so strenously to, and cannot understand, save for the context of their fans simply not having exposure to a wider range of music. All I hear are pale Gen X Pink Floyd imitators without hooks, and I don't believe Thom Yorke's angst is real for one minute. As noted by me in past posts, I do like some of In Rainbows. But we can move on, obviously.
I recogniz(s)e my views on Radiohead are aggressively negative and they're just mine, and I wouldn't be so were this band not considered so highly by so many. I cannot hear their melody, nor their invention, in song after song and yet OK Computer, The Bends, and Kid A are all considered by many to be some of the finest pop/rock records ever made in poll after poll, not so much of professional critics but of fans. It's that high regard I object so strenously to, and cannot understand, save for the context of their fans simply not having exposure to a wider range of music. All I hear are pale Gen X Pink Floyd imitators without hooks, and I don't believe Thom Yorke's angst is real for one minute. As noted by me in past posts, I do like some of In Rainbows. But we can move on, obviously.

Some simply can generate a emotional attachment , they bring a unexplained joy and sadness in many of their songs and it is soothing. Some get it, some don't.
Anything after 2000 i'd agree with you, the novelty worn off for me from there.
I loved The Bends,I thought OK computer was decent.After that they have had one song that I have liked..
There There.Loved the guitar in that song.
I cannot think of another group that I have liked and then went downhill so fast.
I loved The Bends,I thought OK computer was decent.After that they have had one song that I have liked..
There There.Loved the guitar in that song.
I cannot think of another group that I have liked and then went downhill so fast.
I was never a massive fan but coldplay are the band that nose dived hardest from any early promise.

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