The Bluemoon Song Cup 2023

OK. Since you say she's so fantastic, and a great lyricist and singer I've just voted for her just to keep you happy. I notice you didn't though ::-)

Her song is crappy BTW. Not a patch on the Eurythmics or Tourists stuff

You really are the soul of the party aren't you :-)
overblown, overrated, over-hyped and overplayed... the 10cc song is still a hundred times better that the demented wailing mare's offering
Why?- I can guarantee if Little Bird was in a match up against Here Comes the Rain Again, Sweet Dreams are made of this or I only wanna be with you it would have got pretty well the same score as it got here

I was just joking , it was the tone not the context:-)

Little bird is a pretty decent song nothing more nothing less imho.

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