The British Monarchy

Does anyone actually give a shit? Been sponging off the people of the UK for far too long now, it's about time they were more low key. It's the 21st century, not the 1700's
Being more "low key" doesn't mean they'll be sponging any less off us... it just means they'll be performing even fewer of their "arduous" official Royal duties!
Seriously though, lots of weird stuff in that "family"

From Williams pegging stuff, the Harry and William fall out, That other posh fella offing himself last week.

We will never know the truth, as they are more protected than anyone in the world (apart from those who are a threat to them, they are fucked)

I've always found it weird that some people seem to have a need to have a Royal family, really strange stuff from us as normal people.
I don’t think many are wishing her ill-health. They’re commenting on a PR blunder caused by shit photoshop editing.

The talk got on to reasons why it was photoshopped including health. If someone says they don't give a shit and follows it up with a pop at the institution itself I'm taking them at their word that they actually don't give a shit.

If it was a stance on photographs themselves fair enough although the follow up post suggests it's not.
My guess is that someone belatedly decided they needed a Mothers Day shot and couldn't get (or didn't want to use) a pro photographer so took their own. Could even be on a self-timer, the Princess of Wales has published shots of her own before now. Then someone has tried to improve it (or used automatic AI software) and made a hash of the job, but there might be some optical illusions in there too.

Probably all innocent stuff.
Even the nonces and wife beaters?

As I said I couldn't give a fuck about them, any of them. They just exist in some weird make believe world far removed from normal everyday people. Hundreds of thousands still camp out all night to wave flags as they drive past and give them a cursory wave if they're lucky. That's weird. Mind you as football fans we've stood in the pouring rain and cold for hours to buy tickets to watch eleven men kick a bag of wind about. Lots would find that weird too I guess.

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