The City fan crying when we got beat

hisroyalblueness said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
hisroyalblueness said:
What is it with this self righteous policing of emotions? Who are we, any of us, to criticise another man's emotional perspective.
And, for all you super hardcore ultra fans who are so keen to rip the guy apart on here (in all your glorious 'ever so tough' pomp) - I'm willing to bet that most of you didn't even go to the game but still see fit to get large on a poor bloke who took the trouble to travel to Cardiff for the game and got caught on camera in an off moment.

And anyway, what is it to you all whether another City fan gets upset in the glare of the media - is it that you feel that it'll let down the rock hard image that City fans have or something? Well, if that's the case then sorry to disappoint but we don't have a reputation for being tough (except in your heads in your bedrooms) . . What we do have is a much deserved reputation as being patient, loyal, friendly and humorous . . . which is now starting to be supplemented by a growing reputation as us being nothing better than rag fans dressed in blue (mainly down to our rag imitating fans who sing 'we'll score when we want to' when we obviously and sometimes embarrassingly don't).

I know it's only a minority who display rag behaviours it but it is starting to take hold and that's typified by the 'new rag' attitude displayed so evidently by all those who've come on this thread today to give a fellow blue a hard time simply because you didn't like the fact he seemed to care too much.

Not your business, chances are you weren't even there anyhow, so grow up, show a bit of favour to a fellow supporter and give the bloke a break.

So that's why he was crying. He went to the wrong city.

Good spot . . hands up my silly error and certainly deserving the highlighter treatment.
My only excuse is that I meant Swansea but I'm easily confused when mildly irked . . and I was mildly irked. I'm now feeling a bit tearful but please don't put it about in case I get death threats from all the tough kids ;-)

Don't worry, HRB, your secret's safe with me.
Davs 19 said:
SWP's back said:
I was mildly irked once.

We know. You got a decent thread pulled. We'll let it slide because of your all round entertainment value allied with your ability to start an argument in an empty room. :)
There was a decent thread?
I hate to resort to a mutter but will you all please leave my 'mildly irked' alone and think up your own tepid catch phrases?
I can't believe how people are obsessing over him. So he looked daft crying before the game had finished, what has it got to do with any of us how he shows emotion?

As for rag fans or any others, I don't give a tinker's cuss what they think of us.

I would make sure I had plenty of Kleenex in my pocket though if I were him for the next few games;-)
Bluebird1 said:
I can't believe how people are obsessing over him. So he looked daft crying before the game had finished, what has it got to do with any of us how he shows emotion?

As for rag fans or any others, I don't give a tinker's cuss what they think of us.

I would make sure I had plenty of Kleenex in my pocket though if I were him for the next few games;-)

Dirty cow!

Dunno what's worse, being chucked out for smoking or having a quick tug?

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