You’re confusing citizenship and non-domiciled tax status. She didn’t select the non-dom tax box on the HMRC form to preserve her Indian citizenship. The two things aren’t connected.Well it’s speculation that she’s not paying taxes in India - I’m sure if that was the case Labour and the Guardian would have been all over it.
To give up non dom status she would have to become a tax resident of the UK. As a consequence she would lose her status as resident of India. She would then be on a timer to acquire UK citizenship. As a consequence of that she may well lose rights to retain assets and inherit certain assets of her fathers. So it’s far more complicated than we can really begin to appreciate - and due to the wealth involved even more so.
For me so long as she is paying tax in the country it’s earned then that’s enough scruples but we all have different bars.
And if she is paying the tax on non-U.K. earnings to India then she should sack her PR adviser. Paying tax to India would kill this story straight away. The media know that as they know it’s probable she keeps her dividends in a tax haven.