The Conservative Party

Ultimately, I blame the electorate.

a) Many people, especially the young, can't be arsed to vote. For example, last council election in my ward, 30% turnout. But everyone then whines about the council/government/mayor.

b) Of those that do vote, all too many do not engage their brains. They are prepared to give credence to obvious conmen like Johnson, whose faults as a human being were known long before he was elected because they liked his spiel. What he offered was totally impractical, as has been demonstrated.

We need to demand much higher standards.
Also, my personal view is that there needs to be less MPs with larger constituencies, more responsibility and they need to be paid a lot more, in order to attract real talent. I know that will probably be an unpopular view, but the people we get as MP's now are often very dull, uninspiring, and with limited intellect.
If he is in the room, then I think it speaks volumes for his character and will mean his card is marked by others.

I can see Rabb and Truss maybe surviving this but few others.
Horrible bastards, the lot of them.
Ultimately, I blame the electorate.

a) Many people, especially the young, can't be arsed to vote. For example, last council election in my ward, 30% turnout. But everyone then whines about the council/government/mayor.

b) Of those that do vote, all too many do not engage their brains. They are prepared to give credence to obvious conmen like Johnson, whose faults as a human being were known long before he was elected because they liked his spiel. What he offered was totally impractical, as has been demonstrated.

We need to demand much higher standards.
In an ideal world Brian.
There are no standards that will prevent people from believing that the bright shiny objects being dangled in front of them are not highly polished turds.
Also, my personal view is that there needs to be less MPs with larger constituencies, more responsibility and they need to be paid a lot more, in order to attract real talent. I know that will probably be an unpopular view, but the people we get as MP's now are often very dull, uninspiring, and with limited intellect.
Yes pay them a lot more,but make the penalties for corruption or serious misconduct punitive.

Jail time,financial ruination,that sort of thing.
Also, my personal view is that there needs to be less MPs with larger constituencies, more responsibility and they need to be paid a lot more, in order to attract real talent. I know that will probably be an unpopular view, but the people we get as MP's now are often very dull, uninspiring, and with limited intellect.
It's all caused by the FPTP system. It creates safe seats, which are toxic, because it means that the big two parties can almost guarantee that someone gets elected just by giving them a particular seat. Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Michael Gove, and many other well-connected Tories were basically given seats that there was never a chance of them losing. These are then unsurprisingly the ones that are given top jobs, media appearances, etc, while the MPs that win difficult seats languish on the back benches until they lose their seats because of the performance of the people in the top jobs. And then people wonder why the cabinet is full of privately-educated millionaires.

It also creates the situation where you get loads of career politicians who basically join the Tory party (or Labour party) because that's what's best for their career, and spend their life spouting shit they don't believe in, like a footballer kissing the badge of the team that pays his wages.
Yes pay them a lot more,but make the penalties for corruption or serious misconduct punitive.

Jail time,financial ruination,that sort of thing.
I think the penalties for corruption are very severe already. The problem is that what counts as corruption is such a high bar. Claiming clearly bullshit expenses? Not corruption. Accepting donations or jobs from companies and then suggesting policies that would benefit that company? Not corruption. Voting for policies that will benefit a company and then being rewarded with a directorship after you leave politics? Not corruption. Awarding a big government contract to someone you know? Corruption, unless it happens in the middle of a global pandemic, and then all rules go out of the window.

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