The Conservative Party

You know why. So many people are making lots of money out of it and the media are complicit with their mega rich owners.

You have to wonder why so many billionaires (who supposedly are really good with finances) continue to own and run loss making newspapers ?

(Daily Mail owner lives in Monaco to avoid paying taxes and the Dail Fail is itself registered off shore to avoid paying taxes)
Confused! How is allowing firms to give huge bonuses to bosses going to attract investment into the UK? It doesn’t make sense unles you are a) taking a kickback or b) after a job when you are kicked out of Government?
No idea, perhaps they’re distracted with something else at the moment…

The Conservatives have ‘solved’ the pending energy crisis by borrowing massively, so this policy is presumably geared at attracting those lost ‘wealth creators’ back to the U.K. from the United States and Asia. That won’t happen overnight, if at all, and those other countries will respond accordingly, so who knows how many will come, particularly when the country is viewed from outside as on a downward trajectory. I think they just want to be seen to be doing something, even if it is merely reheating questionable ideas.
It’ll be interesting to see how long they can keep repeating that Labour are the party for borrowing, when they've borrowed record amounts in the past 5 years, whilst increasing tax contributions.

Wonder if their supporters will ever cotton on.
It’ll be interesting to see how long they can keep repeating that Labour are the party for borrowing, when they've borrowed record amounts in the past 5 years, whilst increasing tax contributions.

Wonder if their supporters will ever cotton on.
I think that is a charge that will not be thrown, and if it is, their own use will be predicated on the defence that these were ‘exceptional times’ (aren’t they all?). We need remember that even within the party, those who supported Sunak, which was a substantial number, recognised the inherent dangers of seemingly limitless borrowing. We wait and see how quickly borrowing time moves to borrowed time…
I think that is a charge that will not be thrown, and if it is, their own use will be predicated on the defence that these were ‘exceptional times’ (aren’t they all?). We need remember that even within the party, those who supported Sunak, which was a substantial number, recognised the inherent dangers of seemingly limitless borrowing. We wait and see how quickly borrowing time moves to borrowed time…
Indeed. They still use the financial crash in 2008(?) though. It’s quite an easy rebuttal now to point to their borrowing record in the past 12 years.
No idea, perhaps they’re distracted with something else at the moment…

The Conservatives have ‘solved’ the pending energy crisis by borrowing massively, so this policy is presumably geared at attracting those lost ‘wealth creators’ back to the U.K. from the United States and Asia. That won’t happen overnight, if at all, and those other countries will respond accordingly, so who knows how many will come, particularly when the country is viewed from outside as on a downward trajectory. I think they just want to be seen to be doing something, even if it is merely reheating questionable ideas.
The point is that these ideas have been around 40 odd years, trickle down economics has been debunked on so many occasions it has never and will never work. Greed is good as one lady once said and wealth creators don't give away their money. It's pure fantasy and like banging your head against a wall and then wondering why your head hurts.
There really is no words for this and digging up relics like Patrick Minford because he agrees with you isn't the answer. Its laughable if it weren't so tragic that we are heading into a major crisis with a bad Thatcher tribute literally on a wing and prayer.
Indeed. They still use the financial crash in 2008(?) though. It’s quite an easy rebuttal now to point to their borrowing record in the past 12 years.
Would imagine that Starmer and Co. should be making hay with the fact that Truss is the only person remaining who sat in the Cameron cabinet, which means she can be easily tied to the last dozen years of decay. Labour, for me, have been far too slow to tie the economic mess directly to the Conservatives, perhaps because they are still embarrassed by the ‘no money left’ joke that backfired and don’t want to give the Conservatives a chance to recall it. The SNP have repeatedly used ‘a Tory Cost of Living Crisis’- Blackford does love that one, but Labour really ought now to be calling it a ’Conservative Living Crisis’ and pointing out that the Conservatives are unTRUSSworthy with the nation’s finances. These should be open goals, but, then again, Labour and open goals…
The point is that these ideas have been around 40 odd years, trickle down economics has been debunked on so many occasions it has never and will never work. Greed is good as one lady once said and wealth creators don't give away their money. It's pure fantasy and like banging your head against a wall and then wondering why your head hurts.
There really is no words for this and digging up relics like Patrick Minford because he agrees with you isn't the answer. Its laughable if it weren't so tragic that we are heading into a major crisis with a bad Thatcher tribute literally on a wing and prayer.
Not disagreeing with you, Mike. When a political party has been in power so long, it naturally exhausts its talent pool and runs out of new ideas, which is arguably where the U.K. finds itself.
Not disagreeing with you, Mike. When a political party has been in power so long, it naturally exhausts its talent pool and runs out of new ideas, which is arguably where the U.K. finds itself.
I agree with you in part with the caveat that Brown was not the dog end of the Labour party and his demise was down to timing more than anything. Thank god we has him as PM during the financial crisis.

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