The Conservative Party

So gilts have gone through the roof, which effectively means it costs considerably more now to borrow (when we’re just about to borrow more money than at any time in the last seventy years), which means the government will have to spend more money servicing that debt instead of elsewhere, such as spending on public services.

Coupled with that, the pound is tanking, not just against the dollar, which means anything imported today costs considerably more than it did even last week. That’ll have a knock on effect for consumers in terms of rising prices, so pushing inflation even further and so everyone in real terms will be a lot worse off, even with the tax cuts, which still made most people worse off anyway. The Bank of England will react to try and bring inflation back under control, rising interests rates further which will also then have an impact.

So ultimately, if they are after growth, I can’t see how that can possibly happen unless it’s foreign investment flooding the market, which will take considerable time to flow through. That’s assuming it actually does - given the trade barriers we’ve self inflicted, even with the cheap currency, we’re not a particularly attractive proposition in a lot of sectors.
Fucking hell, we're fucked then!! Cheers for the in depth response.
As we go to bed Asian markets open and the pound continues to fall...........the bet isn't a winner is it?

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Tories give loads away to the rich and tells the BoE to do their job. Pound tanks meaning the they now need to increase interest rates to counter, meaning huge increases to the middle England who have mortgages, credit cards, need loans, etc, which they once could afford. Moving down the line, Middle England goes skint with some losing their houses, jobs, everything that they were accustomed to while those that got lots of money from the government nip in and buy the surplus stock and other things that have now been sold off.

It‘s an even more vicious circle that the government has just created and one that I believe has been planned. The economic fallout would have been known.
Fucking hell, we're fucked then!! Cheers for the in depth response.

Pretty much, at least for the short term.

It would be a gamble even in times of stability, there would be some logic to it though. Doing it whilst simultaneously announcing the biggest amounts of borrowing since just after the war is taking it to another level.
And so do I. But I guess your empathy is more valid then mine because you shout louder.
Well you were spouting stuff yesterday, that I answered directly and you've chosen to ignore the challenge. That is just typical that when some actual experiences are put in front of you, you move on to more nonsense. If you truly believe that it is sad that people are asking how much money hedge funds and the like, run by ministers, are making as the result of goverment policy, then we really are in trouble. It is no secret that the likes of Farage made ££££££ when the £ slumped after Brexit, and here are you still thinking it's alright for this type of thing to happen.
Well you were spouting stuff yesterday, that I answered directly and you've chosen to ignore the challenge
Ignore what? I didn't even see it - still haven't. I am not on here 24x7 you know, and funnily enough I am not "following" you either.

EDIT: I have just searched for your posts and still don't see any challenge nor any post requesting a reply. Your last reply to me was you making a statement, which requires no response.
Sometimes its good to stand back from the detail of policy and look at the overall effect. Essentially the last 10-12 years have been the majority of the population having a sort of whip round to transfer wealth to the already wealthy. Austerity, brexit, pandemic etc are used to excuse/cover up this basic truth.

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