The Conservative Party

There is a clip on YouTube where Peter Osborne a tory & ex journalist for the Telegraph & Mail says the tory party is no longer the tory party he used to support. They are now being run & in the control of the super rich, oligarchs, hedge funds & shady think tanks who nobody knows funds them. He says their main aim is to enrich themselves a much as possible & salt it away in off shore tax havens. If their actions affect people's pensions for the worst they don't care.
I don't post a lot these days - especially not on topics as divisive as politics. That said, I feel almost a sense of duty to nail my colours to the mast on what I'm seeing in Westminster at the moment. I feel like life has turned into a sketch written by Chris Morris, either that or I'm experiencing some kind of psychosis (possible).

Over the last 12 years, from my perspective the country has been subjected to a list of increasingly inept ideologues - each one worse than the last. And that goes for all the great offices of state - Chancellors, Home Secretaries, Foreign Secretaries and Prime Ministers. Each one seemingly in a struggle to show bravado over brain cells. And the bit that I just simply cannot wrap my head around is that people have facilitated this by voting for them.

You could write a thesis on the nostalgia goggles that has led to our country trying to self-immolate in a desperate plea to bring back the Empire. We're in a desperate death-spiral of self-harm - and now the party that put us there are emulating that with their own death-spiral. All at a time where people can't feed their children.

It beggars belief that I'm sat here hoping Rishi fucking Sunak is Prime Minister next week. And why? Because the alternative is that we have another two years of the country being run by an amorphous blob of law-breaking bumbling bullshit with no policies, three word slogans and a track record of protecting sex offenders. And the worst part? I'm actually worried that people would vote him in again at the next election!

The bit that pisses me off the most - and it gets me incandescent - is when I hear "they're all the same" in some weak attempt to exonerate the Tories from whatever scandal they're currently navigating. No. Absolutely not. They are not all the same. There's only one party who are a bunch of irresponsible, austerity peddling, fraud facilitating, Russian-backed, prorogueing, ministerial code-breaking, law-breaking, market crashing, refugee-hating, criminal protecting, zero IQ cunts... and it's the party that has that insane avant-garde art exhibition Michael Fabricant in its ranks (who in the actual fuck votes for him?).
You should post more often........
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There is a clip on YouTube where Peter Osborne a tory & ex journalist for the Telegraph & Mail says the tory party is no longer the tory party he used to support. They are now being run & in the control of the super rich, oligarchs, hedge funds & shady think tanks who nobody knows funds them. He says their main aim is to enrich themselves a much as possible & salt it away in off shore tax havens. If their actions affect people's pensions for the worst they don't care.

Insofar as pension schemes are concerned.

1. Gordon Browns tax grab from pension schemes has amounted to them being denuded over the last 20 years of £100 billion. No other measure has so impacted them forcing higher contributions from employers and most DB schemes closed to new members.

2. The recent hit to pension schemes forcing the BoE to intervene was due to stupid trustees under advice from greedy investment advisors contracting into flawed LDI derivatives that meant when gilt yields rose rapidly, they had to sell gilts at a loss to pay the collateral due on those derivatives.

3. The BoE must share the blame for not increasing interest rates earlier and letting inflation rip without check.
Are you a Labour Party activist?

While my post was intentionally gilded with hyperbole for comedic effect, if asking for a competent government (of any colour, red or blue) makes me a Labour Party activist then I think that's quite a sad indictment on where we are. All I want is to see is some semblance of ability and integrity from the people who are supposed to be running our country.

At a policy level, I'm actually politically very moderate/centrist and in times gone by I had a lot of respect for some Conservative MPs and would have happily voted for them at a constituency level or during local elections. The party has changed though for the worse - perhaps irreparably. I've voted Lib Dem too on multiple occasions. I've not decided who I would vote for this time round but you can probably tell who it wouldn't be.

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