The Conservative Party

At the expense of public services. Yeah lets cut back on the nhs, or not give those scroungers on benefits a rise with inflation as promised in the manifesto, lets let the poor get even poorer.

Happy days, it is not.
Late to the party? With a huge deficit in the fiscal policy, where do we cut?

The cunts cut where they know. While the poor get poorer, the cunts don’t care as long as they are kept ignorant of what’s going on.
Just on the off chance that you meant Thatcher, let's start with the economy.

Thatcher got elected on the back of the Saatchi slogan 'Labour Isn't Working'. This is because there was, at that time, one million unemployed in the UK. For Friedman and Hayek [her 'go to' economists], the focus of macreconomic theory should be on controlling inflation. So Thatcher raised interest rates. This should lower demand as it then costs more to borrow money. Unfortunately, those higher interest rates attracted foreign capital, driving up the value of the British pound and making British exports uncompetitive.

The result was a huge recession. Unemployment soared to 3.3 million people, a significant chunk of British manufacturing was destroyed, and many traditional industrial centres were devastated.

Okay, so how about giving people a chance to own their own council houses?

Here is John Gray on that:

'...the selling-off of council houses to their tenants is often praised as a Thatcherite success story.

But in social and economic terms, the decimation of municipal housing was one of the chief elements in the emergence of a neoliberal dependency culture. Spending on housing benefit during 1996-7 was estimated at over £11 billion. This is 1.5 per cent of Britain's gross domestic product and over ten times the total cost of housing benefits in 1979-80. Public expenditure on social housing was replaced, many times over, by rent rebates and assistance with the payments of mortgages. The price of privatizing municipal housing in Britain has been a colossal increase in welfare dependency.'
I'll add in the micro stuff.

BR ran "merrymaker" day trips in the 70s that got a lot of people used to travelling by train again. They used older coaches, and freight locos not needed for freight at weekends. The only costs were fuel and train staff, and they made a decent marginal profit.

Thatcher's accountants came in and said "that's terrible stock utilisation, a set of coaches only used 2 days out of seven", and stopped them, losing all the marginal profit.

Then they said that every train on a line had to contribute to the fixed costs. That included the timber trains that BR had started on the West Highland line, again making a marginal profit. Once they had to pay a share of fixed costs, they no longer made a profit, so the timber went by road again - and the passenger trains on the line lost even more money without the marginal profit from the freight.
So the person who was self evidently the least shit option during the last leadership election will now become the leader. But in the interim about 81,000 people decided that indulging in a bit of casual racism and childish revenge for the downfall of their beloved fat bastard leader was worth putting an imbecile in charge who managed to tank the economy tout suite. So I reckon each one of those 81,000 owes the country at least £800,000. Not sure how we are going to collect it from them but whatever format it takes it should be known as the fuckwit tax.
So this time they aren’t putting the vote to the idiot nut jobs of the party membership? Thank fucking for that. The worst thing that happened to politics in the U.K. was Labour and then the Tories putting their leadership votes to party memberships.

All it has done has ensured those on the extreme left and right have taken the top jobs.
So this time they aren’t putting the vote to the idiot nut jobs of the party membership? Thank fucking for that. The worst thing that happened to politics in the U.K. was Labour and then the Tories putting their leadership votes to party memberships.

All it has done has ensured those on the extreme left and right have taken the top jobs.
And troll votes from people paying a few quid to vote the wrong way.
Late to the party? With a huge deficit in the fiscal policy, where do we cut?

The cunts cut where they know. While the poor get poorer, the cunts don’t care as long as they are kept ignorant of what’s going on.
Increase the windfall tax, take charitable status away from posh schools, increase taxation of the very wealthy, make sure big business pays its tax etc

Poor people shouldn't shoulder the burden mate.

Won't happen under these cunts whoever is in charge though.
Good luck Rishi. Even though half of your own electorate and probably party members hate you. I hope selling your pride and self respect for power is worth it.


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