The Conservative Party

Ah well - lets kick the **** out and what is their favourite saying? - oh yeah got it - move on

But he has 5 days now to reflect upon his misdeeds and I have no doubt that he will come back a thoroughly chastened person ready to make amends for his innocent mistakes, like all those well-intentioned tories do.
There seems to be nobody in charge of anything and they don’t give a bollox about the man in the street. We’ve ’done Brexit’ to regain our sovereignty but seem to have handed any notion of that over to ‘the markets’.

If the current inflationary spiral is truly ‘out of our control’ why are the government and the BOE about to inflict even more pain onto the economy, in the form of interest rate hikes, which will just choke off even more demand in an already failing economy? If this was wage driven, or if the job vacancies were because of massive hikes in demand for things, they might have a point. Trouble is, it isn’t and they don’t.

The economy needs people spending and the poorest have always spent the most, relative to what they have. As they currently have less than nothing, they will be spending nothing. The wealthiest, as interest rates head up to 4% will be squirrelling cash away in the hopes that events turn and inflation falls below that number.

What we are all in for, because of some warped ideology, by the 5th or 6th biggest economy in the world, is an absolute scandal. I just hope everyone remembers who has chosen to do this to them whenever it’s time to put a cross in the box.

It’s shit like this that makes the single currency and giving monetary control over to Frankfurt an increasingly desirable prospect.
But he has 5 days now to reflect upon his misdeeds and I have no doubt that he will come back a thoroughly chastened person ready to make amends for his innocent mistakes, like all those well-intentioned tories do.
In our latest incarnation of this Conservative Government, it is apparently possible to, and I quote, ‘fall on your sword’ one week and be reappointed to your old position the next. Would that Thérèse Coffey could apply these restorative powers to the NHS…
In our latest incarnation of this Conservative Government, it is apparently possible to, and I quote, ‘fall on your sword’ one week and be reappointed to your old position the next. Would that Thérèse Coffey could apply these restorative powers to the NHS…
It’s one of those pantomime retractable swords, much like their pantomime retractable policies and promises.
I have a feeling that reducing benefits and free healthcare provision generally may soon be sold to the general population as a means of ensuring we are less of a 'soft touch' for immigrants. A handy way to persuade the 'red wall' to once again vote for a Tory Xmas.
I have a feeling that reducing benefits and free healthcare provision generally may soon be sold to the general population as a means of ensuring we are less of a 'soft touch' for immigrants. A handy way to persuade the 'red wall' to once again vote for a Tory Xmas.
It would certainly fit with the ‘I don’t care how economically damaging brexit is as long as it stop bloody forriners from ‘invading us’ attitude expressed by many of said voters.
I have a feeling that reducing benefits and free healthcare provision generally may soon be sold to the general population as a means of ensuring we are less of a 'soft touch' for immigrants. A handy way to persuade the 'red wall' to once again vote for a Tory Xmas.

What is this obsession right wing politicians have to take us to a neo-feudal era? Most importantly, why are people buying it?!

Do people really want to see millions of old people on the streets begging?
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