The Conservative Party

It’s not working so we have to sell it to someone to make it work. Get on the message.

Yep that's the plan.

I had some first hand experience of how real people are being affected by the callous Tory cuts this afternoon. I was out walking the dog and I see a woman bending over a guy on the floor and so I go to offer assistance. It quickly becomes obvious to me that the guy has had a stroke and collapsed and so another good samaritan phones for an ambulance. He is told it could take up to 4 hours.

As I am watching the poor guy laying on the floor I wanted to scream at the people now gathered to help - FFS STOP VOTING TORY - THIS IS THE RESULT!

Don't get ill people.
Yep that's the plan.

I had some first hand experience of how real people are being affected by the callous Tory cuts this afternoon. I was out walking the dog and I see a woman bending over a guy on the floor and so I go to offer assistance. It quickly becomes obvious to me that the guy has had a stroke and collapsed and so another good samaritan phones for an ambulance. He is told it could take up to 4 hours.

As I am watching the poor guy laying on the floor I wanted to scream at the people now gathered to help - FFS STOP VOTING TORY - THIS IS THE RESULT!

Don't get ill people.

No - please do get ill - badly ill - if you are a Tory voter so you can own what you have created for us all
Yep that's the plan.

I had some first hand experience of how real people are being affected by the callous Tory cuts this afternoon. I was out walking the dog and I see a woman bending over a guy on the floor and so I go to offer assistance. It quickly becomes obvious to me that the guy has had a stroke and collapsed and so another good samaritan phones for an ambulance. He is told it could take up to 4 hours.

As I am watching the poor guy laying on the floor I wanted to scream at the people now gathered to help - FFS STOP VOTING TORY - THIS IS THE RESULT!

Don't get ill people.
Next time Dave, recovery position
Monitor their breathing and heart rate and be prepared for CPR.
Take off your jacket/jumper and use it to keep them warm.
Keep them talking and keep your tone of voice calm.

Sorry mate @dave_blue12 just a quick edit, while you put them in the recovery position ring an ambulance.
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They have systematically destroyed the very fabric of this nation.

Conservatism has lost its meaning, under Churchill after the defeat to Atlee in 1945 he urged the party to accept the social renewals of the Labour Party and actually embrace them. To be fair One Nation Conservatism did embrace the welfare state and the NHS. They respected these new institutions and to a point built on Atlee's legacy. What followed was the boom years of the 50s and 60s. "Britain has never had it so good" was the mantra espoused in 1957 by the then Tory PM Harold Macmillan who said.

You will see a state of prosperity such as we have never had in my lifetime - nor indeed in the history of this country

Now you can argue why this happened, remember though after WW2 our GDP was running at -256% a figure that today would have the markets in uproar, yet we nationalised industries, created the NHS, Welfare state, built millions of Council houses which surely has to have helped provide the growth we needed. Union power was strong and strong Unions are associated with economic growth. The USA enjoyed its greatest growth when the Unions in the USA were at their most powerful.

Conservatism used to look back at history, it saw that the social cohesion provided by the NHS and the Welfare State was a bulwark against the interests of capital, not anymore. That strand of Conservatism has been slain and the advocates removed from the party on the back of the ERG led Brexit obsession with creating a free-market libertarian utopia. That utopia means nothing is sacred, the NHS is for sale, the Welfare State can be privatised because coin is King.

To achieve this utopia, they are quite prepared to use the language of division, they will happily scapegoat whoever they want, their friends in the media and the multitude of Tufton Street think tanks will defend this approach to the hilt. The modern-day Tory party no longer "conserve" they "disrupt", they aim to destroy institutions rather than conserve them, that scares me.

It's fairly obvious to anyone on here I despise the Tory party, but I always had a grudging admiration of their ability to do the right thing most of the time even if I politically disagreed with them. Now i still despise them but the admiration has gone, they are dangerous, and our country deserves so much better than them.

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