The Conservative Party

If more people had the time or inclination to watch select committee grillings of our ministers, maybe the idea they are all clueless, lying fools would take hold with the wider public

They are given an easy ride by the main stream media, but they're not fooling anyone in Westminster, and their lack of knowledge and understanding of the issues facing their departments is laid bare during these encounters.

None of them can coherently explain why their public statements are at odds with the realities, and their stuttering responses to reasonable questions doesn't inspire any confidence they really know what they are doing.

They can talk all they like as they refuse to answer questions from journalists, but that escape route isn't available during these meetings, and it shows. They aren't as confident or cocksure when they know the beady eyed panel in front of them are taking them to task, and there is no hiding place.
The difference between the arrogant shouting and sneering of PMQs, and the obfuscation, evasion and bumbling of their performances in front of the select committees is extraordinary.
Most people only see edits ofPMQs and the baying mobs, and that’s where they get the notion that ‘they’re all the same’.
It‘s very much down to the adversarial set-up of the HOC.
Face to face shouting as opposed to calm,rational interrogation.
If you’ve got no tools left in your box, the former is preferable.
I know,the cunts talk like they've only been in power since Truss. Lying, useless scum.

This will be the tactic between now and the next election. Autumn 22 was year zero and everything that came before is nothing to do with them. If they repeat this enough, which they will, I suspect it will work on a chunk of the population. Sadly for them, but more sadly for us, I think things will continue to degrade sufficiently badly as a result of their prior actions that even the dishonest narrative of "we're fixing someone else's mess" won't work because they won't be able to credibly point at anything that's materially improving.
Raab is the next **** on the block about to get his comeuppance....simple fact is that the more they argue the toss with strikers rather than doing their jobs the more it hits the country but hey it suits them to detract from their major fuckups eh? Imagine being in the grip of a Govt who operates like that. Oh and by the way Raab in his answer highlights that there is no money. Why?

Hopefully soon.

But with this governments interpretation of integrity and accountability I won't hold my breath.
Meanwhile this is how the cunts treat people on benefits.

The Disability News Service (DNS) has published a collection of stories highlighting the cruelty inflicted on disabled claimants by universal credit (UC).

One article covers the death of a disabled woman left traumatised by the daily demands of the UC system.

The DWP had been told of her mental distress, suicidal thoughts and fear of the department and the universal credit system, but this did not prevent them hounding her.

Rebecca (not her real name), took her own life just four days after being told she would need to attend a face-to-face meeting with a work coach.

Another article covers the struggles of disabled claimant Philip Manion who saw his income from UC cut from £1,260 to £500 a month because of a mistake by the DWP.

When he tried to attend a meeting about the issue, he was removed from the jobcentre by a gang of seven security guards because he was unable to log into his online journal from his mobile phone.

He was then recorded as having failed to attend the meeting and his UC was completely stopped.

Former nurse Shirley Rudolph spent 10 years caring for her husband and had been placed in the limited capability for work category due to generalised anxiety disorder.

In July Rudolph’s husband died and she told her work coach that she would be unable to attend a scheduled meeting because she was arranging her husband’s funeral.

The work coach expressed no sympathy whatsoever, delayed the appointment for just a week and sent Rudolph a job application to complete.

As a result, Rudolph ended her universal credit claim and is surviving on her NHS pension.

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