The Conservative Party

what they fail to mention is that those homes are available because the armed forces have been slashed to ridiculously low levels and the Govt has a contract to pay for them whether occupied or not

Aren't those military homes for serving personnel rather than homeless veterans?

The Tories sold all the Military Housing stock to a company called Annington in 1996 at £4.2 billion under the market value.and then rented the properties back from them.

Are you sure? If so it would appear the Express is coming out with a load of xenophobic bollocks, and that could never be the case, could it?
Do we believe there are 2500 homeless veterans "without a roof over their heads"?

They still don’t know how many other rights this bill will delete…

When Jacob Rees-Mogg published his 'dashboard' of laws in June 2022, it was described as an 'authoritative, but not comprehensive' list of the laws affected. Campaigners and parliamentarians have now identified multiple examples of laws that will be affected by this bill but are not listed on this dashboard. The Minister has now admitted that officials are still trawling through UK laws to work out what rights would be abolished by this legislation if it is passed - but is still asking MPs to pass the bill even though there is no guarantee what it will do. Today the Government also voted down attempts to require them to publish a comprehensive list of the laws affected in the bill, covering up the real scale of the destruction this will cause.

They voted down our attempts to protect environmental, employment and consumer rights...

Given the destructiveness of deleting thousands of rights from the statute book overnight, Labour tabled amendments to test Minister's pledges to protect key rights - these covered a wide range of laws including maternity rights, paid leave entitlement, TUPE rights, live animal exporting, restricting animal testing, stopping raw sewage discharging in our water, compensation rights when your travel is delayed, control of asbestos, the airworthiness of planes, and electrical goods safety standards to name but a few.

The Tories voted down measures protecting each and every one of these rights.

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