The Conservative Party

Anybody got any questions they’d like to ask a Tory mp? My 16 year old daughter is studying politics at college and is getting a visit from Jason McCartney tomorrow with a Q and A where he’s probably expecting a few nice full tosses he can smack over mid on.

I’ve already got her prepped but there’s still time until tomorrow afternoon.
Are food banks marvellous?
Anybody got any questions they’d like to ask a Tory mp? My 16 year old daughter is studying politics at college and is getting a visit from Jason McCartney tomorrow with a Q and A where he’s probably expecting a few nice full tosses he can smack over mid on.

I’ve already got her prepped but there’s still time until tomorrow afternoon.

Did he vote to prevent sewage discharge into rivers/sea, and if so, why?
That'll clip his wings. If the job is to represent the Tory Party and he doesn't like interviews to be edited!

the theory was I understand that the promotion alone would clip his wings.......... the appointment just proves how out of touch with people they are....... imagine you are struggling to live on your income with the bills and £84k pa 30p Lee hoves into view to tell you where you are going wrong whilst enjoying rather nice subsidised meals in the HoC subsidised bars and subsidised travel to work...... yeah right
Do you still think Liz Truss had the "right plan for the economy to help ease the rising cost of living" (his words), and do you think politicians have an obligation to apologise to those they serve when they get something wrong?
Didn’t know he said that but that’s a nice one.

I don’t agree with his comments about Eddie Izzard, that whole issue is just a minefield - look at Scotland. But most of the rest of his ‘best bits’ are spot on. 5000 of his constituents can’t get a council house yet illegal immigrants are in hotels and he is right to say: ‘people blame the French, the ECHR, the lefty lawyers, but really the blame lies in this place right now. When are we going to grow a backbone and send them straight back the same day…?’. This is the sort of stuff that got the Tories an 80 seat majority just 4 years ago, so it is no surprise they have given him a role in government now, even though it’s probably too late.

I am actually thinking that the whole system of democracy in the UK needs an overhaul. We need PR and many more parties. At the moment there are too many people who claim to be Tory MPs yet have wildly different views from one another and end up speaking out against each other (and the same can be said of the Labour Party, although maybe not quite so much since K. Starmer has become leader). The Greens and the Lib-dems speak more with one voice, but there are fewer of them. The two big parties need tearing down and starting again and if you think like this Lee Anderson or Braverman or Badinoch join their party, if you think more to the middle-ground follow that party and so on. Because what is happening right now is Sunak gives Braverman a job and this guy a job to look like he is being proactive on immigration, when really nothing will actually happen. I won't be duped again if they say next time that they are going to ‘control our borders, our laws and our money’ - I just won’t believe them.
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Anybody got any questions they’d like to ask a Tory mp? My 16 year old daughter is studying politics at college and is getting a visit from Jason McCartney tomorrow with a Q and A where he’s probably expecting a few nice full tosses he can smack over mid on.

I’ve already got her prepped but there’s still time until tomorrow afternoon.
We have the same MP.

Ask him what he'll do with his time when he loses his seat at the next GE.
Ask him how many flights have gone to Rwanda (zero) and more specifically - if the UK courts from the bottom to the very top have said the flights are lawful, why haven't they happened when his party promised control of our laws (and borders and money).

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