The Conservative Party

can't see Jacob being re-elected

Would we know the difference if he did go on strike?
Maybe, to be fair, this Tory plonker should compare how MPs' wages have risen over say 10 years, compared to those of others. A one-year comparison really does not cut it.

He should also bear in mind that his is a part-time job for which no qualifications are required, except the ability of your national party to con people into voting for you.

Tory admits party are stoking up a culture war and division because they've got fuck all else to save losing an election shocker.

I remember being furious about thatcher’s language back then as being inflammatory.
It pales though, compared to defeffel’s references to ‘piccaninnies with watermelon smiles’ and ‘tank-topped bum boys’ and ’women who look like like letter boxes’, and ‘bongo-bongo land’.
If you thought that ridding themselves of that cretin was going to improve things, then cast an ear over the appalling Gullis and his comment on immigrant children being kidnapped.
He and the disgusting braverman are the latest culture war attack dogs, and virtually every interview with a Tory contains the words ‘illegal’, swamped‘, invasion’
I sincerely hope enough have seen through this.

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