The Conservative Party

My point obviously isn't hitting home with you so I shall put it in to context.

A single person (could be a retired widower/ divorcee / young lad or lass) lives in a property. The council tax for that band of property is £200 a month. Thanks to the single occupancy allowance they pay £150 for council tax.

In a similar property where 3 occupants live, assuming they split the bills 3 ways they're only paying £66.6 each.

Tell me, why should the single occupant have to pay over double what an individual is paying in a house share given we are all entitled to the same services?

because the tax based in the assumption that a property (and the people within it) will use roughly the same services.
There is a nod to the ability to pay by having different price bands for different value of property.
This also gives a nod to the larger (therefore more expensive houses) contain more people and have to pay more.
It is a horseshit system from top to bottom.

The least horseshit bit is the single person occupancy rebate, hence why people are jumping all over you. You dont use half the services provided just because you live on your own, you use more than half. You also benefit, in a societal way, from the services others use and you dont. I understand you dont / wont see this. The only way to get the system you seem to want is to only pay for the services you use. To do that you would need to track the services you use and how often the admin involved in this would without doubt eat up any possible savings you would make. The other problem with that is that lots of the services provided are needed when people are least likely to be able to afford them (social care etc etc) so what happens then? Let people suffer, let people die?

As I have said in numerous posts its not unfair to you, unless you think there is no such thing as society and you have no responsibility to anyone else.

As I have also said, we need to change the way we fund local authorities. My favoured option would be a local income tax (and local corporation tax). You would hate this as you would probably be paying more than all the people that are worse off than you and I am guessing from the tone of your posts you think these are skivers.
your 233.33 looks right, but the use of %ages in the first part is all over the place, or appears to be because some are based on the Base value 100%, and some are based on the discounted single rate of 75%

Base value 100%
single allowance 25% - leaves 75% to pay
The Base value is 33% more than the payable amount by a single person, or 25% of the original value.

2 people splitting Base value of 100% would pay 50% each.
A single person paying 75% of the Base value is paying 50% more than each of the 2 people, or 25% more if viewed as a fraction of the base 100% value.

I think you're both right in your thinking, just the terminology is a bit screwy.
Nah, just him.

And it's at heart just not liking being taxed to pay for stuff.

Why should non-drivers (most of the population) pay for roads? Why should pacifists pay toward the defence budget? Why should rich people pay more tax than poor people? Why should the healthy pay for other people's illness? Why should the state pay to keep defectives alive? (You can see where I'm going...)
Nah, just him.

And it's at heart just not liking being taxed to pay for stuff.

Why should non-drivers (most of the population) pay for roads? Why should pacifists pay toward the defence budget? Why should rich people pay more tax than poor people? Why should the healthy pay for other people's illness? Why should the state pay to keep defectives alive? (You can see where I'm going...)
Copy me in if you are going to call me out. As you know nothing about my life you aren't really qualified to comment and make assumptions about me to the rest of the forum.

Non-drivers still use buses/ taxis don't they? What do they drive on then?

We were talking about Council Tax here and not other taxes which I don't belive I've mentioned? You do know I had no issue with the council tax, I just mentioned that single occupancy allowance is unfair and not good enough. You've jumped on this to push your own rhetoric and put words in to my mouth.

Defence budget is used for the safety of the nation whether you are a pacifist or not. That is a whole other issue to discuss and definitely questionable as to whether defence budget can be put to better use. Healthy pay NI and income tax which I've no issue with which covers health.

Some people find it weird that you want to inflict higher taxes on other people from similar socio economic backgrounds out of jealousy. I'm not talking about taxing the rich here either. People you are inflicting these rises on aren't rich.

I was simply sticking up for Cricket Blue as to why the single occupancy council tax is unfair. You may disagree, fine. Leave it at that, it really doesnt impact me.

There are more serious issues going on in the world right now but you obviously have a lot of time on your hands and are sad enough to pursue me on the issue for several days now.
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The whole Council Tax thing is a con and only benefits the wealthy .... there are no bands beyond 'H' which means that you pay the same level of council tax if your home is worth £900k or £20 million.
Each home worth £20m

(and with a vote for the local council in each location...)
And now the next arithmetical teaser.

If a brick weighs seven pounds plus half a brick, what does a brick and a half weigh?
In pounds? Is the answer 3 billion?

From war profiteering. Whilst people in this country froze.

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