Well-Known Member
I’m curious, do you want to stop all the migrants or just the non white ones. I mean, there’s plenty of migrants who play for City.
I don't want to stop anybody - I would like to restore FoM
I’m curious, do you want to stop all the migrants or just the non white ones. I mean, there’s plenty of migrants who play for City.
I expect the Tories to win the next election
I'd join you if I could afford it.Well, if the Tories get back in then I’m off to sunnier climes and will look on as the stupid get more and more stupid.
The 'new' crackdown on laughing gas is just, well, laughable.
To be honest, I have heard stories of this happening so I don't know why Anderson is banging on like it's some unique thing. Never witnessed it myself and I actually find it quite funny that they would be this creative so I personally wouldn't be offended if it happened to me. The idea of homeless people having chip and pin machines isn't some new concept though. There was a Hale And Pace sketch from over 30 years ago depicting the exact same thing. Of course it wouldn't have been a chip and pin machine back then. It was one of those bulky manual things where you physically had to swipe it across the card and you got a carbonated copy of the transaction!GBNews latest 100k signing just making things up now, he will literally say anything they ask him to.
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Looks like wee rishi’s been rooting around in the dressing-up box and dug up his old Superman outfit he had when he was 10 (still fits).The problem is as far as I can see this has all been tried before - its just red meat for their bovine supporters. Fly tipping is already illegal as is graffiti - I often see news items about people being arrested for both indeed our council have a team looking out for and charging fly tippers.
As for fines on the spot - lets laugh at that one again. If you can't pay then dock that persons benefits....... errrr benefits are based on households not individuals these days so every one pays from that household for one persons deeds? What if you aren't on benefits but refuse to pay a fine - looks to me like the whole thing is class based and weighted against the worse off. As for targeting beggars - they are just inhuman.