Not necessarily but when Newspapers and Politicians talk about ''the benefits bill'' and the number of people on benefit includes
People on State Pension )changed from Pension to benefit by Osborne so he could dick around with peoples retirement age.
People on PIP (The terminally ill / those with long term conditions / disabled ) You should remember that the disabled used to be guaranteed employment (where able) until the Tories sold off REMPLOY. Thus throwing 100.000s out of a gainful occupation and making them ''benefit pariahs''
Carers of people on PIP who spend 35 hours or more looking after someone.
People who are claiming Child benefit
People who are short term sick. (a situation not helped by the current backlog in waiting times and shortage of Doctors and Nurses )
People in full / part time employment whose job doesn't pay enough so has to be topped up by me and you, An example as below (but a bit out of date now but still valid)
Be very careful who you class as ''benefit scroungers'' as most of them have paid in all their lives.
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