The Conservative Party

On the “no enthusiasm for Labour” and “Tory voters stayed at home” lines. Just a quick look at the numbers here…

2019 Wellingborough
Labour votes 13,737 - Turnout 64%

2024 Wellingborough
Labour votes 13,844 - Turnout 38%

They achieved more absolute votes this time with only roughly 60% of the total volume of votes. So even if every voter who turned up for Labour in the 2019 election turned up again and they didn’t convert a single other voter they would not have achieved as many votes as they did.

This means there is only one possible conclusion, which is that people have changed their vote to Labour. As there is only one party who’s vote has significantly decreased, it follows that people have definitely switched from Tory to Labour. There is mathematically no way it could be otherwise - and it’s likely to be a significant number, maybe as big as 4,000 (10-15%) votes if the turnouts were the same across parties - unless there was some disproportionately huge population change in the last five years.

This seems to have been broadly ignored by the media reports I’ve seen.
disappointing how many voters, despite the relentless piss-taking by this not-far-right-enough( apparently) collection of shithouses ever imposed on this blighted divided island, still put a cross on the tory candidate ballot. Blatant voter-repression, no Corbyn to hate, the NHS destruction, the cost of living crisis (greedy workers to blame, not the obscene profits of big oil and record dividends for shareholders ffs), poisoned rivers, food banks, and on and on....just how scared of democracy must they be ???? They cant all be money-millionaires or ex-bullingdon tossers,
disappointing how many voters, despite the relentless piss-taking by this not-far-right-enough( apparently) collection of shithouses ever imposed on this blighted divided island, still put a cross on the tory candidate ballot. Blatant voter-repression, no Corbyn to hate, the NHS destruction, the cost of living crisis (greedy workers to blame, not the obscene profits of big oil and record dividends for shareholders ffs), poisoned rivers, food banks, and on and on....just how scared of democracy must they be ???? They cant all be money-millionaires or ex-bullingdon tossers,
I think most people have forgotten that food banks exsist in shocking numbers , labour should be using those in their attacks along side the cost of living etc

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