The Conservative Party

This budgets gonna be an absolute shitshow, short term measures to try to win votes at the expense of the long term future of the nation.

It’s frightening that someone who can fan the flames of devision can actually sit as an MP, not only that someone high up in the Conservative Party. Even worse the PM is skirting round the issue of if the language was racist or not. No wonder this country is in the state it is, as they aren’t fit to run it.
I’ve often said I’ve no issues with the idea of a conservative government and they have in the past had some fantastic politicians. Honest and fair with the country’s needs coming first.
This version is so far removed from the past though that it’s not even close to the party the likes of Brewster and metalblue must have started supporting.
You’d think they would be disgusted with the self interested, duplicitous charlatans that currently reside at the top of the tree but no, they will still hear nothing bad said about them.
They are complicit in the countries demise and should be ashamed of themselves for not making a stand against them.
Unless they really are fans of the new breed of cunts in which case there’s nothing else to say.

Starmer is enough of a Tory for me so I’m “happy”. I believe in compassionate conservatism which for me is a system where those that can do, and those that can’t are helped. I don’t subscribe to all this widespread self interest stuff but there are some wrong ‘uns - I like to think the majority of MPs of any hue did so for the right reasons but recognise that power can corrupt and being in power for extended periods of time can be harmful in that regard.

I tend to only respond to posts where rubbish is posted, it may seem like I’m defending the tories but I’m just defending the balanced debate. The alternative is this becomes more of an echo chamber. I think the same is true of @Brewster's millions but he can post for himself - it’s not like we have a WhatsApp group we chat in and work out how to respond to posts - how sad would that be eh?

The tories need to be out of government for a period of time and they need to rid themselves of the further right trouble makers - sadly some good Tory MPs (like good Labour MPs last time out) will be gone along with the terrible ones but it’s the career they choose. When I said I was happy with Starmer it wasn’t a positive feeling either, I think the guy is an odious **** who will do anything for power - the very worst type of politician (not to be confused with the very worst type of person).

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