The Conservative Party

This is true sadly , it is so difficult to get pips , making it more difficult will really push people past their limit

A recent example:

More detail here:

Owen has been a writer for the series Danger Mouse and Private Eye.

Also worth noting that in their recent books, The Spirit Level and The Inner Level, epidemiologists Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett show that the more unequal a society is, the more people suffer from a variety of physical and mental health problems, such as obesity and depression. Additionally, drug abuse tends to be rife, rates of imprisonment and teenage pregnancies are higher, social mobility is less possible, trust between citizens is lower, and violence is more endemic.

In other words, outcomes are significantly worse in more unequal rich countries like the US and UK.

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Mate of mine hanged himself in the woods off Victoria Ave in Blackley.

Suffered severe depression...was told he was fit for work and all benefits were stopped.

This is the reality of the shit these cunts come out with.
fucking hell mate that's awful - so sorry to hear that and RIP to your pal.

this is what happens when community support resources are cut and unqualified call centre fuckwits with arbitrary targets are put in a position to make decisions that are literally life and death instead of qualified medical professionals.
fucking hell mate that's awful - so sorry to hear that and RIP to your pal.

this is what happens when community support resources are cut and unqualified call centre fuckwits with arbitrary targets are put in a position to make decisions that are literally life and death instead of qualified medical professionals.
Another lad who was sectioned and released to his empty 14th floor flat with zero support jumped. RIP Simon.

Many many suicides of men and women of all ages in Manchester due to depression and anxiety.

These posh easy life cunts have zero clue.
I see that Sunak has decided to pursue a vintage Tory stance. Like when New Coke went back to Original Coke.

There couldn’t possibly be a link with the number of people off work ill and the general hopelessness prevalent in the economy. High stress levels, poor nutrition because plenty can’t afford to eat properly, NHS falling apart at the seams meaning that those who have genuine problems aren’t addressed soon enough and they become worse. Not to mention the general lack of motivation that stagnating salaries and high costs provide. Work yourself to death 50 hours a week, for 50+ years in the hope that one day you might be able to afford a house or a pension. But probably not. Can anybody blame somebody feeling complete despair and succumbing to illness when this is the state of things?

The social contract has been broken. Hard work no longer brings any reward, in fact it doesn’t even guarantee you a basic standard of living. There’s no guarantee of public services that reach a sufficient standard. The economy is ailing and the few rewards that are out there are being hoovered up by a tiny percentage of already well-off people.

If the Tories want more people to work then here’s a crazy idea… how about we try fixing public services so people have the support networks in place to make them productive workers. Then how about we build an economy that provides high levels of social mobility? Where aspiration isn’t naive but realistic? How about we give people an actual reason to work hard?

Alas, a Victorian party with Victorian ideals. To the ruling class, the population is a workhouse and they will keep flogging people until they die or revolt. And roughly a third of the population will be happy with that.
On the subject of mental health, Sunak needs to get himself checked out as this is obviously a completely nuts idea.
He also doesn't seem to make a connection between everyone having shit mental health and the absolutely fucking awful job his party have done running the country for 14 years. They really are absolutely fucking clueless.
The comments on the BBC News article say a lot about where the country is on this issue. Hundreds of them calling this bat shit crazy.

Now I know the BBC has its problems but it's as close as we have to a politically independent news outlet so it is a good litmus test of what the general public is feeling on this issue.

This will tank Sunak even further.
They are a tiny minority. Where I work that tiny minority have impacted how sickness benefit works for all of us. It's not falling for tricks whatever they are, it's just a lifetime of seeing it for myself.

Sorry. I am not some heartless - fuck the working man twat. But it is there. People do take the piss, and employers use that to take the piss even more. Anyway say what you want I won't reply, it's just not a popular thing to say.
People have always took the piss. I have friends who work for BAE Systems building military equipment who have conversations about the best place to take a nap at work without getting caught.
The comments on the BBC News article say a lot about where the country is on this issue. Hundreds of them calling this bat shit crazy.

Now I know the BBC has its problems but it's as close as we have to a politically independent news outlet so it is a good litmus test of what the general public is feeling on this issue.

This will tank Sunak even further.
Not necessarily...

The voter supression laws he's enacted means many of the people he's attacking won't be able to vote because they won't have official ID.

At least 5 million people need to be educated in getting official id to vote or use postal voting.

With regards to posting I can see a summer GE as some Tory seats will be less threatened as all the students will be at home.

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