The Conservative Party

Anyone who actually believes those statistics is clinically insane.

I looked at the report and those are the numbers it says but there’s a huge caveat at the bottom to say that it’s based on police reported figures. So if people don’t bother reporting crimes then they won’t be in these numbers. It also says there are concerns with consistency in the way different police forces capture these numbers. They are given targets based on these numbers and, as a wise former manager once told me, any measure that becomes a target ceases to be a good measure.

It is also cherry picking because if we are to believe these numbers then the Labour government from 1997-2010 actually decreased crime by a larger percentage during their tenure, these numbers were falling rapidly already when the Tories took it over.

Also strange he doesn’t mention the report stating that anti-social behaviour has tripled since 2013, and the data captured for that is not by police’s own numbers but a different surveying methodology which has remained entirely consistent.

So basically they’re doing great when they’re marking their own homework.
I looked at the report and those are the numbers it says but there’s a huge caveat at the bottom to say that it’s based on police reported figures. So if people don’t bother reporting crimes then they won’t be in these numbers. It also says there are concerns with consistency in the way different police forces capture these numbers. They are given targets based on these numbers and, as a wise former manager once told me, any measure that becomes a target ceases to be a good measure.

It is also cherry picking because if we are to believe these numbers then the Labour government from 1997-2010 actually decreased crime by a larger percentage during their tenure, these numbers were falling rapidly already when the Tories took it over.

Also strange he doesn’t mention the report stating that anti-social behaviour has tripled since 2013, and the data captured for that is not by police’s own numbers but a different surveying methodology which has remained entirely consistent.

So basically they’re doing great when they’re marking their own homework.
All anyone has to do is open their eyes. For example, we are unquestionably becoming more violent as a society. I see this every working day and (regrettably from a societal perspective) have the enhanced income to prove it. I genuinely wish that wasn’t the case, because (for example) the proliferation of knife crime makes us all poorer. This is the violent tip of the criminal iceberg. Law and order is without question breaking down, and will probably continue to.

Like I said, anyone who actually believes these statistics as representing the true picture in relation to crimes being committed Is clinically insane.
Labour dont want shit like him, i dont anyway

Starmers Labour does

"But they will change when they get in power" line will be trotted out.

If any Labour party values ever match anything close to those who identify as Tories, never mind attract the bastards to join, then that is not the Labour party that the country needs.

If this doctor fella is doing it over some NHS related thing, then he's a bit fucking late isn't he.

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